I basically want to put as many of my avi files onto one DVD +RW disk as I can (about 25 avis with approx 250mb each) but I also want to know if this is possible: 1. To bitset it so that you can play all the data on a PS2 2. If (1) is possible, will all the avis be played in numerical order, and have chapters and/or a menu? I've never tried burning my files just as data, so I don't know how/if I can do this. Please help a newbie >.<!
osuwari, Use DVD Flick to encode those AVIs to DVD. Here's a guide. Save the ouput to a folder on your hard drive. Afterwards, run them through DVD Srhink to compress, and find out how many you could fit in a DVD+RW. Here's a guide on how to booktype using the freeware, ImgBurn. http://www.digital-talk.org/forums/media/72-booktyping-imgburn.html
i think you can bitset a +RW aslong as your drive allows it? data disc wont have menus just avi's, i think there is an app for avi menus but i couldnt get a grip of it? and cant remeber name either now sorry...
MysticE- I don't think it is, I mean I've never added anything special to it, it's just the same as when I bought it. It plays DVDs though. pryme_H- I'm not sure I want to compress them, or encode them, I'd just like to keep them as they are and not lose any quality. Can you fit more on an RW if you encode and compress them? Then if I used IMGburn would it work on my PS2? Rotary- Ah, it's a shame you can't remember the name. If I were to burn them as a data disk, would I be able to search through the episodes or would they all be strung together without any chapters to break them apart?
Hello. If you were to burn a data disc with your avis, and you were to play them on a divx compatible dvd player it would display all of the titles for you. You can buy them for like 40 bucks in walmart. In terms of playing those on the psp, I would think you would need to have some kind of mod on it.