Please help me, I am a total noob at burning using bin/cue files and I have searched the site but none of the other posts really help. Heres the problem: I downloaded this file and for cd1 there are a bunch of files titled .001-.0028 Inside each has a bin and cue file. Each bin is over 400 meg. Do I extract every file from each of the folders and add each of the cue files? Each cue also has the same name so what is the diff between the one in .001 and .028? And what do i do with the 28 bin files? I mean not even that would put a HUGE dent in my HD. Thanks for the help....
No what you do is use a program call WINRAR. You can google for it and will have no problem getting it. Once installed you open the lowest number of RAR file. Be it 00 or 01. Once opened let winrar extract it for you and you will have 1 big bin file and a small cue. I use nero and load the cue which automatically loads the bin to burn. The reason for the smaller RAR type files is that during a download, if on of the files is bad. It's alot faster to get one little file that a 700mb big file. Hope this helps
thanks that helps ALOT!! it makes sense now...i was just confused because when i opened each file with winrar, each said that there was a 400 meg bin file and i had no idea why i needed 28 400 meg files. thanks agian