Multiple CRC errors after burning

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by upg, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. upg

    upg Member

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Hey, I've searched everywhere for a definitive (if there is one) answer to my problem with no avail. A couple of days ago I went to copy an avi file back onto my harddrive and it refused to copy, giving me the error message - Cannot copy X (where X is the file in question): Data Error (Cyclic Redundancy Check)

    I went back and checked some other recently burnt CDs and I've been getting up to about a 90% error rate, thus rendering the files useless. I can play them back off the CD up to the point of the error and then the CD just freezes up and goes back to the start. It's not the files as I successfully managed to reburn one file, that had previously failed, with success. It's not the CD media, as I previously had a much higher success rate with the same cds (mitsubishi black diamond 48/52x). It's not XP SP2 as I don't have it installed. It's not a CD-drive read problem as my laptop fails to copy the files too. So what is it? A cd-writer burn problem? Is there anyway to be certain of this without trying another one? Could there be another fault? I've been considering purchasing a DVD-writer anyway, but can I be sure this will rectify my problem? Thanks :)
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    CRC's on a burned disc means it was either poor media, burned too fast, a dying drive or a combination of these.

    I'd recommend slowing the burn speed down to 24X if you haven't done so already. If that doesn't help then try updating the firmware for your drive and if that doesn't help then try a different brand of media.

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