I have a large avi file (1.4GB) which appears to have two audio strema one of which is in english and the other in spanish. When played with Media Player I get the spanish audio. If I render it with GSpot I get English. How can I select the language or how can I select and delete one?
Open with vdub mod http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/virtualdubmod.cfm Then go to Streams > Stream List. If there are two streams you are in luck just mute the spanish one and save the AVI again ( using direct stream copy under video ). Hope this helps
I used the link to download virtualdub but the program will not work on either of my two computers. It is looking for a missing DLL file (corona.dll). Both my machine are running Windows 2000 Pro
On my PC, instead, it looked for imgproc.dll (I already had corona.dll on my ZIP package). I got it from the net, I copied in VirtualDub's directory and...OK!
I wne on the net and found a complete installation which included corona.dll. I wasn't sure how to ascertain which stream was which but took a guess and did a save as with a stream disabled and it worked. Thank you for all your help