I been searching the ways of burning a normal dvd to work in my dvd player, but none of those ways worked. I am using nero vision to convert .avi files to .vob files. Once it is finish converting the files, I then use nero vision again to burn the files. I tried to play my burned disc to my dvd player but it just said it is reading it... I wait for a long time and my dvd player didn't do anything from that point on. Btw, I am using fujifilm dvd disc and it is dvd+r. The type of dvd files are PAL, and my dvd player does support PAL too. I don't know what i did wrong, please help... Thanks a lot
will the dvd play on your computer? you might try using vso convertxtodvd, it is far better thain nero for doing converting avi to dvd
I have used Cucusoft converter, works well. Also burns after converting. http://www.dvd-tool.com/dvd-burner/avi-to-dvd.html Hope this helps.