My burned dvds are skipping

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by stan789, May 2, 2007.

  1. stan789

    stan789 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    I use Anydvd6.1.3.6 and nero recode,my media is hp dvd+r 16x it is good media never had had a problem before with them,i burn at 16x and always encode full dvd,recentaly when i burn my dvds i just burned breakin all the rules and starting toward the end of the movies it started skipping,really bad skipping,words also after it skipped the words were off from the movie,the only thing i can think of is maybe its because the origional disks are scratched so its making the copys mess up,any help any thing i need so maybe my backups wont skip anymore,

    thaks, stan
  2. TY4ever

    TY4ever Regular member

    Jun 2, 2006
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    The HP discs are coded either CMC Mag(crappy media)or philips(not so good).The best and recommended ones to use are TY or Verbatim medias.As for the burning speed,it is not recommended to burn at full speed,but always at half the rated speed.So try burn at 8X and see you still get the skipping problems.It's good also to make sure that you have the latest firmware on your burner.

  3. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    definately a symptom and indication of poor quality media. I recommend verbatim dvd+r's booktyped dvd-rom. you shouldn't have any problems burning 16x verbatim dvd+r's at 12x.
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  4. sorrow93

    sorrow93 Regular member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    did your burner in the past handle scratched dvds okay?
    some people say they "wear in" and become less scratch-reading-friendly
    but one thing you can do for certain is give the lens a clean
    either use a commercial good brand lens cleaner or do the manual method with compressed air and this should be of some noticeable benefit
    you'd be surprised how much dust and rubbish accumulates on the lens
  5. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Try setting the burnable area to 4300mb. I don't know where to do it in NERO, but I'm sure Someone in the Forum can tell you. Also you may try to decrease the burn speed to 1/2 the rated speed of the disks. It may take 3-4 mins. longer, but so what. And if you don't have one of those new fangled super duo quad core water cooled computers try not to multi-task. Instead, Break out a REAL deck of cards to play solitaire with. (you Can Cheat Easier) And DO get better media, TYs and Verbatims TEND to last longer Jump higher and have a better class of friends.
  6. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    setting the target area to 4300mb will most likely resolve your issues. there will still be a concern as to whether or not the dvd will play back ok in 6 months to a year due to dye deterioration.

    for recode check fit to target then in the dropdown menu for target size select custom and type in 4300. remember decreasing the target size will also increase the compression. I still recommend better media (verbatim or taiyo yuden) as you can set the target size to around 4430 and not have any problems. also the chance of dye deterioration is much less.
  7. stan789

    stan789 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    its hard to order offline what stores sell ty`s?umm also thanks so mutch for all your help see its says on nero when i go to reduce my burn speed,it doesnt go to 4x or 8x its only goes up to 2.5x thats what it said under write speed

    also forgot to add my gateway computer is fairley new not even a year old yet do u think the drive might be going out do u think maybe i need to head over to newegg and buy a new dvd burner,also i was think that maybe i need to buy one of those 30$ skip doctors and maybe that will help on the origional disks
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  8. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    you can not buy branded ty media in B&M stores. you might get lucky and find some sony's made in japan that will code out as ty's but you will usually pay a premium price for sony's. you can find genuine branded ty's online at supermediastore, rima, and meritline.

    you can find verbatim's at most B&M stores or online. they are made in taiwan or singapore btw unless you live in europe. I personally consider verbatim dvd+r's to be the best media period. some will argue that ty's are better however. I always booktype my dvd+r's to dvd-rom for greatest compatability with stand alone dvd players.

    not all dvdrw drives are capable of bitsetting (booktyping to dvd-rom) and for those that won't I recommend TY dvd-r's. give me your drive make and model and I will see if it is capable of bitsetting.

    you must insert a blank dvd and let the drive recognize it before it will let you select write speeds.

    your problem is most likely not due to scratched sorce discs since you are not getting any error codes when ripping and that's where a scratched disc will present problems.
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  9. stan789

    stan789 Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    well its just because im 15 years old and i normally go to my local Big Lots and they always have a full stock for blank hp media the dvd+r is only 15.00 witch is pretty good comared to other stores im really not worried about the how long the media will last because (my movies end up getting destroyed anyway)its just the skipping problems but i did change the setting to what you guys said i also burn at 8x or lower, and everything seems to be good,i also herd that sony is good media,is that true?it is pretty costly
  10. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    sony is usually ok. you can generally find verbatim's at your local B&M stores for less and you can't hardley go wrong with them.
  11. diz0r

    diz0r Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Well , we are both having the same problem (movie's skipping at the end)but I am using different media then you though, im using Verbatim 16x dvd-r.....and i am backing up dvd's that are not scratched at all, so thats not the problem. I was able to fix the problem ( im not 100% sure that this will work for you or anyone else but it worked for me)

    I recently installed an Internal Usb Card reader into my system,( and i think it was conflicting with my burner somehow) so i disconnected it and problem was solved.

    Have u recently installed any other hardware that may have conflicted with your burner as well? ( drive type hardware like, card readers, other dvd roms/cd roms. hard drives etc.) If u have then maybe u can take a look at that and see if thats the problem.

    I also decided to reformat my windows cause im just paranoid and was due for one anyway lol , so i guess a mix of both may have fixed me up. Hope this little bit of info can help u out a bit.

    Good luck


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