i'm not too sure if this is the write place to post this but. my laptop's dvd burner broke. i put a disk in and when i close the burner it made this weird snaping noise. but it closed so no problem. but it started to make this really loud buzzing noise and my disk won't load. when you try to open the burner it takes a minute for it to pop open. i check nothings wrong. no wires are cut. from the looks of it the laser seems ok. but still nothing. i close the burner without the disk it still makes a buzzing noise. now it smells like burning ruber. so i guess it's still moving. any answers?
Yeah laptops are awesome but the drives in them aren't the best imho. From your description is does sound like it's moved on to burner heaven. If it's still under warranty have the manufacturer replace it. If not you'll need to replace it w/ another slimline drive or get an external burner.
thanks for responing. i have a sotec laptop. if you've never heard of it me neither. it was just under my budget. so do you know if i could just fit any burner in it or it has to be from sotec only? warranty is out of the question because i forgot the warranty papers on vacation. crap. anyway thanks for the help
Yeah I've never heard of them. You would need to use a slimline only in the laptop. You might want to check their website and see if they have any specs like size on the drive just in case - make see it's not some funky slimline. That or get an external.