My Car Won't Start

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by marlino23, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. marlino23

    marlino23 Active member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Let me start by saying that I think my father has intentionally done something in order for the car not to start. I have a 1992 Honda Civic LX, manual transmission. The car will crank but won't start. The check engine light is on. What I'm wondering is if there is anything simple he can do that will cause the car to not start such as unplugging spark plug wires. If anyone knows anything let me know, any help is appreciated. I was also wondering if i ran an OBD will it tell me what the problem is. Thanks for any help in advance.
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    check distributor lead.check all spark plug leads.check wires going to starter motor.check battery terminals.putting sugar or just water in petrol tank will stop car from starting ( dont know your father so not sure if he would do that).check oil, the distrbutor under the cap that should be a thing called a rotor button or rotor armcheck check thats still theres.
  3. ps355528

    ps355528 Active member

    Aug 17, 2010
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    first off.. check you have a spark .. pull a plug lead off and hold it near the engine block.. then check for fuel in the float chamber or the fuel pipe.. again dead easy.. pull fuel pipe off carb and crank.. fuel should come out..

    fuel and spark.. it should run.. with both present and correct and still no go.. then things get interesting.. just swapping the plug leads around will do it..

    why do I get the feeling this is your fathers car and he has some reason to stop you using it? surely if you own it and drive it all the time you should know something about how it works.. I don't drive any more.. but that doesn't mean I know nothing about the machines from when I did .. a lot.. in old wrecks.. useful stuff.. like how to get them going again when they pack up by the side of the road a long way from home.....

    your local library should have the owners workshop manual.. pretty common cars.
    I always think they should have a basic competency part of the driving test based on simple understanding of how a large potentially lethal lump of metal works..
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011

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