i downloaded microsoft service pack 2 and now my cd burner wont burn anything . i have a hp pavilion 553w and i have absoutly no idea what to do. Please someone help. i will answer any questions i can about my system . im not to shure about where things are this is my last stop before a pc doctor any help will be greatly apperichated
You can uninstall SP2, just go to your add and remove programs and uninstall. Or you can try uninstalling your cd burner then reinstalling. to do this right click my computer/manage/device manager/open the tree to cd-rom drives/right click on your cd-rom drive and select uninstall/select ok then restart you machine. See if this doesn't help before uninstalling SP2
i dont have the driver that i need to reinstal my cd burner this thing diddnt come with any discs to reinstal anything any ideas on what to do with this ?
You don't need a driver to reinstall your cd burner, plug n play will automatically pick it up and show there is a new device installed.