my cdr dvd wont read any burned cds and even some dvds that arent burned but it used to HELP

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by shanhanks, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. shanhanks

    shanhanks Guest

    i have a hitachi cdr dvd rom. I had to install a new hardrive and all the drivers manually bc i am out of the country and dont have my discs. Since then my cpu wont read anything burned even things i burned on it previously and it is very picky about the dvds that it reads. i have already tried to update my atapi that didnt work. what could be the problem. please help this is really annoying!
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    A combo drive or a typo?

    ATAPI is more of a hardware protocol -- not much upgrading you can do ... perhaps you meant ASPI ...what ASPI version did you update to? If you didnt, have a visit to

    If you've got burner problems, what you might need to do is to uninstall the drive from Windows, reboot and let Windows automatically reinstall the device for you. To do so, (1) Control Panel, (2) System, (3) Hardware, (4) Device Manager, (5) Expand the DVD/CD-ROM Drives entry, right click on thr troublesome drive and uninstall it. Now simply reboot and let Windows try and repair itself.
  3. shanhanks

    shanhanks Guest

    sorry a samsung crd dvd combo drive, it was aspi i updated the app name is aspi 471a2. unistalled my drive nothing changed. I just want my cpu to read everything again. all the dvds. anything burned. how can it just quit reading somethings but still read others? i dont get it help me please.

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