my computer sucks

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by buzz88, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. buzz88

    buzz88 Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    i know this has nothing to do with burning DVD's but ive looked everywhere and i cant find any info and i got heaps from this forum before.
    My computer is running like shit. i have a good antivirus. but its got something on here making it hell slow. i want to completely re boot re install re whatever. I usually take it to the computer store and it comes back perfect like the day i got it but costs 100 bucks.i just want to uninstall everything then re install it. i have every thing here i just need a how to do it page. Does anyone know where i can find this sort of information????
    thankyou buzz
  2. brobear

    brobear Guest

    PCs for Dummies, Windows for Dummies, Windows by Dan Gookin, Windows Pro by Minasi and a lot of factory guides adorn my desk. The dummies books are easy to understand. It would take a book section to tell you how to format a drive and all the things you need to know. So, I'll touch on some simple things.

    Try cleaning the system first. Run SpyBot, free; SpySweeper, free trial; and Ad-Aware, free. Then run a registry cleaner and your anti-virus. In the future, if you don't have internet security, buy a suite from Norton or McAfee with anti virus and a firewall. Reboot after the cleanup.

    Since you're going to put it in the shop if you can't fix it, try this if you want to start over. This is getting a bit more extreme. Delete everything you can but the Windows. With the system cleaned up, use your windows disc and overwrite your operating system. You'll have to reload all the drivers for printers and such.

    The other alternative is do none of the above and just format the drive and install windows. That's truly starting from scratch. You have to know how to boot the system in DOS, you need a utility disc to load the necessary software to do the format and the drive support to load the windows disc.

    Just the clean up usually gets my daughters PC going again and since I installed the 3 adware/spyware programs and Norton internet security, she's had none of the old problems in months.
  3. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I was tempted to say, batter up... You know, knock it out with a bat. Good luck with it. Sounds like all the shop is doing is a clean up. It's time consuming, so depending on their hourly rate, they may be earning their bucks.
  4. colw

    colw Active member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Think you need to realize that there is more to protecting a system than a good antivirus program.

    Antivirus programs in general are not very good at picking up spyware programs that have downloaded to your computer, nor are they good at getting rid of memory resident programs.

    Example: cleaned a friends computer a couple of days ago, Norton AV with latest definitions picked up 16 suspects programs, could only clean 12. Adaware picked up 314 critical objects. Spybot picked an additonal 24 suspect programs.

    Even after cleaning with Adaware and Spybot, there were still 4 programs that could not be cleaned in normal mode - would reload at startup.

    Redid anti-virus, adaware and spybot checks in safe mode to get rid of memory resident programs.

    Aditionally used HiJackThis to check and remove suspect programs from startup log and registry.

    If you go to cheat, crack or porn sites, you can almost guaranteee that you will have spyware on your system and unless you have the appropriate protections in addition to AV software, you will have crap programs on your computer.
  5. FartDude

    FartDude Guest

    Spyware blaster is a great choice too prevent spyware from even being installed NAV sux at removin spyware iolo's spython can remove a memory resident threat some times without a reboot, Ccleaner is great freeware cleaner kinda windows disk cleaner on steriods, Antispy pro works like a dream at removin Mru's and internet tracks and system logs.
  6. FartDude

    FartDude Guest

    One good choice would be too partion ur HDD depending on the size of course , this is what i do 12gigs for windows and programs and thats it, if i run into any major problems just format the old partion and reinstall windows takes no more than 30 mins and im up and runnin.
  7. Xsilver

    Xsilver Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    half the reasons that computers are slow is because of all the crap running in the background. For example my brother in laws computer was running so slow that when you clicked the start menu it took over twenty seconds for it to appear. After looking i realised he had Norton running in the background, Norton firewall and two other programs. When running stuff in the background it uses system resources like you would not believe. I unistalled both Nortons and the other two programs and just turned on the windows firewall and the computer was running at full speed. As for antivirus protection i just go to the trend micro website and run there housecall scan once a week and thats all the protection i use.
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sounds like someone's PC may be tailor made for the next net virus attack.

    Hijack This is a bit dangerous for the beginner, a wrong selection can lead to redoing the system without having the choice. Good program though as long as one knows what they're doing and use it carefully.

    Yep, stay out of those porn sites, they're hard on the system. lol Those handy little apps like shopping aids and toolbars can be deleted from add remove in the control panel. They can almost be as pesky as the spyware/adware you pick up unsolicited.
  9. buzz88

    buzz88 Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    okay i run spy bot and spy sweeper and they worked well. both picked up a heap of stuff and got rid of it.
    restarted my computer and re run spy bot still picks up one. how do i get rid of it?
    I run NoAdware and it picked up 141 problems.
    Do you have to buy this before using it???? because thats what its telling me. Is there a similar free program?????
  10. Mouth_uk

    Mouth_uk Regular member

    Jan 7, 2004
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    The reason the computer feels faster when it comes out of the box is because you havn't installed bollox software and slaughertered the poor registery.

    Try uninstalling some the programs u don't use often/ buy a better spec P.C.

    I have the same prob, means formatting every once in a while.
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    buzz88, ad-aware se from lavasoft, run it & spybot s&d in safe mode.

    Xsilver, i guess somebody failed the trend quiz as program ran. never run a computer without a virus program on it as no program is perfect so you don't actually know if your system is totally clean or not
  12. NeoLance

    NeoLance Regular member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    I had to clear up my whole computer too becuase of complications with my computer running slow. I dont download anything anymore onto my computer and i stay away from online games. The game runescape messed up my computer pretty bad.
  13. buzz88

    buzz88 Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    okay i dont mind my fair share of music! kazaa and imesh and all them other virus breeders are poo are there any sites out there that aren't?????
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    but you pay with money instead of viruses, your choice
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Since the viruses are with the free stuff, there is also another problem. The free stuff being illegal, the music industry is successfully prosecuting people who've downloaded music when they shouldn't have. Get a virus and pay the court.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2005
  16. gorec9897

    gorec9897 Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    [bold]Installing windows is real simple here is a quick guide on how to get a fresh clean copy of windows on your system (for noobies).[/bold]

    [bold]1)[/bold] collect your windows installation disc along with your computer drivers discs that may have come with your computer [bold](remember to backup the information you want to keep on cdr dvdr) [/bold]

    [bold]2)[/bold] go to:

    download, the boot disc for the coresponding windows installation

    [bold]3)[/bold] pop the boot disk in the A:\[bold](floppy drive)[/bold] and hit reset on your computer; follow the on screen instructions to boot with cdrom drivers. this should bring you to a Dos prompt.

    [bold]4)[/bold] type "format C:" [bold](click enter key)[/bold] click "Y" [bold](click enter key)[/bold] and wait for it to finish formatting, then insert your windows install disc & type D: or E: [bold](whatever your cddrive is on)[/bold]

    [bold]5)[/bold] type in the word "setup" and hit enter key. follow the onscreen instructions and finish the install.

    ps: since you already have a copy of windows on your computer you already have the drive partitioned so you wont have to mess with "fdisk" or anything.

    If you built the computer or was built for you (maybe you just lost the drivers or discs), you can get drivers at:


    Below I have also included instructions for NT based windows systems (these are simpler since you don't have to mess with dos or boot disks)

    membership is free ;-) you can identify drivers by opening your case and looking at the cards or by going into your device manager in windows system control panel. updated drivers can speed up your computer ;) if you are using xp pro win2k or nt based windows you will need to boot the disc from the cdrom, for this you have to set the command in your pc motherboard bios (usually just hit del or f1 on boot to enter bios config)

    you can identify computer hardware problems by listening to the bios beeps on boot, usually 1 beep or no beep means the computer is working fine depending on manufacturer.

    -------interesting note-----------

    NT stands for "new technology" but in reality alot of the OS architecture is stolen from the UNIX operating system.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2005
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    get updated drivers from chipset manufacturers
  18. gorec9897

    gorec9897 Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    The drivers at list by manufacturer. You can also go directly to the chipset manufacturer website, if they are still around; OPTI & some other companies have sunk. This all depends on the age of your computer and its hardware ;-)

    ps: will link the manufaturers website if they still exsist, its a good flag ship for drivers. thats why I listed the site.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2005
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i've used it a # of times when trying to find hard to find drivers
  20. gorec9897

    gorec9897 Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Good for you, I wasn’t tell you this though; I was explaining the reasoning behind the link.

    So users would know that they can also use the page as a hub for links to the manufactures sites if need be (since you suggested getting the drivers from the manufacturers).

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