Hey! Nice site you guys have. I need someones help before I freak out. I purchased a Pioneer DVD/CD Writer and DVD X Copy platnium. I burned 11 DVD's of my collection and was really happy. But little did I know.....The beginning of my movies are great. But a little further into the movie it gets grainey and the picture is worse then VHS. And I ONLY put the movie on the DVD-R so it would fit, no menu's or special feat. I try'd differnet DVD-R disks. Same outcome. Does anyone know a solution to my problem? PLEASE!
Hi, I don't know much about DVD X Copy, but I suggest that you give DVD Shrink a try. Its free, efficient, and has always produced good quality backups for me. Here's a link to a guide and a download site: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink.htm
fuji is good. For some reason dvdxcopy is not compressing the beginning right and towards the end of the movie it has to compress too much to make up for it. as Yuriv said, if you have another burning app, use dvd shrink to compress and then burn.
. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]V4 PS2, flip top, SMD, CDLoader Pioneer 105, Memorex 4X DVD-R DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero[/small]
I try'd Face/off and Spiderman using DVD shrink but the green meter indacates the DVD is to big? I didn't try other ones assuming all the movies would be to large. I dont understand