Hi, I'm new to dvd burning, so I was wondering if someone could help with a problem I have writing to certain discs. I bought two types of discs: Both Datawrite; Yellow (V2) 4.7gb 4xDVD-R both records and plays back brilliantly, but the other, Red (V3) 4.7gb 4xDVD-R will record fine, but will not play in my dvd From what I can see, it's only the colour and the (V number) that differs. Please someone help..... I bought a 100 of the red!! DOH!! Thanks Gary
HI THERE. (from aust) im no expert, but i think i read somewhere that DATARITE is made by ritek, and i saw a review on those red discs compared to the yellow and from what i saw, the yellow seems to be the better or most compatable with more dvd players (dont know why) but some dvd players wont play certain brand discs ???? anyway, i use only RITEK brand G04 printable white face dvd-r discs for my videography work, they are the best available here in australia. we dont get the variety that other countries get (thank god) cos theres hundreds of kind on the market and its too dam confusing. i use PRINCO a-grade printable white face dvd-r for storage/backup media, and i use the RITEK G04 a-grade for burning my finished projects onto (much better quality for burning and dvd player compatability) although i have never had any failure with princo discs and swear by them, even tho they cost half the price as a ritek disc. nothing these days is fullproof, and i keep all my videography work and pc files backed up on 2x 200gb ext hard drives (my archives) and a copy on a 200gb storage drive on my pc, + a copy of everything kept on dvd discs. i just got a sony DRU700A dual layer burner last week, and am shipping in some dl media from usa and will start using that as soon as i get used to it. anyway, hope i was some help, but send the red discs back and get some RITEK G04 dvd-r, i swear by them. good luck....GLEN
Right on Glen, Ritek G04 can be got at Meritline for .52ea/100 with free shipping. It's all I use, well and verbatim. LOL
hi bigorange. nice reply m8, we dont get datarite here in aust, we can get memorex but they get bad reviews here, and theres mixed feviews about verbatim, the verbatim is cheap here in aust but thats for the cd-r and cd-rw media, and i used to use them all the time till i found the RITEK brand, now i only use the purple face branded ritec cdr/rw discs and the G04 white face or purple branded face dvd-r. i personally wouldnt buy a ritek disc labelled under a different brand like ridata, datarite etc, u never know what your getting, and unless u have a dvd identifyer on your pc to scan every disc u use, i prefer to stick with the RITEK branded discs to be safe, the G04 is brilliant. regards and be good.....GLEN
Hey glen ,didn't realize you were in aussieland, The ones I get are branded G04's. I have dvdinfopro and and I always check em. good luck "m8"
Hi there Gary, Welcome to our little Club - You've heard from 2 guys who swear by Ritek G04's and well they should - it's a "Keeper." We're talking "Branded" media now, media with the name stamped on them. Ritek makes more than 50% of the world's retail DVD media so saying Ritek isn't enough - even Ritek DataSafe G04s should be avoided :-( RiData (+R's) on the other hand are fine As far as Verbatim goes, there are 2 types that are good - The first, "Branded" Verbatims and those Verbatim Datalife PLUS media, also labeled as "Advanced Metal AZO." It must say "METAL AZO." saying AZO isn't enough - As has been said, quality isn't neessarily expensive, we're talking around $.50 (USD)ea. online Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt. cheers, Pete
HI SCUBA. i mot quite sure what u was saying in your post im sorry. nice to get imput about different media, but was u saying RITEK is good or not ??? i dont use any ritek media thats made under another brand like RIDATA etc etc, and we dont have those here in australia anyway, i only use the purple faced RITEK branded G04 4x dvd-r, if i had a pic ide post it, it has a purple face with the RITEK brand printed on it, and it also has a light purple back as well (the face that gets written to) im about to get my first batch of RITEK G04 white printable faced dvd-r media so i can print labels on them cos as you all know (or should know) u shouldnt stick those sticky labels on a disc, so ill be trying these out next week. the shop where i get my media tells me they r the same disc as the purple branded ones, just white printable face thats all. as for verbatim, i used to use verbatim datalife cd-r and cd-rw but never seen those in dvd-r here. i use only ritek cd-r/rw now, same as ritek dvd-r/rw cheers everyone, chat soon.....GLEN
Glen, Stay with exactly with what you have - Ritek "Branded" (that means with it's name on the disc) is what you want as are the Ritek G04's with the printable tops. RiData are generally the +R media made by Ritek - As they say in the "States" it's all good baby, it's all good !! Pete