I have my xbox modded with a smartxx lt opx. I installed a new hardrive and now when i look at all my drive its says that the f drive has 0 free space. I also made sure that the useFdrive said yes. I also tried changing the hardrive from master to primary, and the same thing happpend. Someone please help me.
All my drive are formatted. I used a boot diks to isntall new drive, and it formatted all the drives including the f. But when i turn the f drive on, then it says that there is zero free space and that im not able to use it.
Well not like this............... format only the F: drive. Well there should be a separate option to format only F: drive alone............. When the formatting F: drive process is over, then you will see your space come.............
Well make sure you emable F: drive first and then format F: drive alone and then you will see the free space in the F: drive appear. Well I didnt explain it properly before...... SORRY
Thats wut i did, i first made useFdrive to yes, then after i went to the format menu and formated the drive. And then after it still said zero.
never mind i got it to wrok i had to use another bioos, the one i had didn't support 120 gig hardrives