there was smoke comming out of the exhaust vent and now it wont turn on : ( On there was 128 gigs of movies and music. the movies i had a back up of (well not all but most) however i didnt hvae a backup of my music. So now, all i have is my ipod and im wondering if there is some way to play the music directly off the ipod on the PC without going through itunes. Does anyone know of a way to do that? or, better yet, a way to fix a fried hard drive : )?
500 bucks to repair a hard drive? wow that alot more that i expected. i wasnt really sure what i expected actually, but not 500 dollars! Id rather get 2 200 gig hard drives with that kinda money geesh. oh and thanks for the ipod software suggestion, ill check it out.
hm that elp pod thing isnt really what im looking for i think, unlessi missed something. I need something that will play the music through my computer directlythrough my ipod without any songs needing to be on the hard drive...sorry for the confusion.
Dude...3 of my hard drives caught fire. 120Gig, 80Gig, and an old 8Gig. It sucked a lot. But...I guess you could always search Ebay for the circuit board of the hard drive or PCB as they call it. I found some PCB's on Ebay...not for my hard drive...but some people still sell them...always a chance.
you better find out WHY you smoked the harddrive first BEFORE you just put in another one blindly .or you will most likly have the same problem
the only thing i could think of that may have caused ot was having too many things plugged into the computer when i started it up, which transfered to my hard drive and gave it a power surge or something. ill have to be more careful, learn the hard way, ya know?
hm true power, never heard of it, ill look into it though. Still wondering if anyone knows of a porgram that will run music directly off the ipod through the pc speakers...
heres the link on that power supply, Antec TruePower480Watt