My internet explorer is in German

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by steveled, Apr 15, 2003.

  1. steveled

    steveled Guest

    I am using win xp pro, everything was fine until one day i turned it on and my explorer thinks its in Germany now.
    whenever i download something the popup box for download destination is German, also at the bottom of my browser where it tells you which page it is currently opening is also "yes you have guessed it German", also whenever i right click my options are also affected, I am only experiencing these problems within my browser the rest of my pc is fine.
    Does any ony know how i can change it back to english.
  2. dr.phlox

    dr.phlox Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    although i have not got this particular problem, it should be easy to solve, as follows....

    open your internet explorer.
    select tools (5th from the left)
    select Internet options (last option)
    select language tab
    select add
    add english (us or gb)
    confirm selection.
    re enter language tab, higlight german tab, and remove.
    if this does not solve the problem, then change the language settings in the xp. clock settings.
  3. steveled

    steveled Guest

    I have the two things you suggested but both settings are correct, and my problem remains, maybee ill re-install windows hat should fix it.

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