for some reason my internet keeps disconecting! im not sure why?? i have a d-link dsl 504 i used to have pipex internet and i had no problems with connections but i have now moved to demon and it keeps disconection every 24 hours
this might be ye problem 'Critical' Microsoft fix breaks some Net connections By Joris Evers Staff Writer, CNET Published: June 20, 2006, 6:30 PM PDT Tell us what you think about this storyTalkBack E-mail this story to a friendE-mail View this story formatted for printingPrint One of the dozen security updates Microsoft released last week is causing network connection trouble for some users, the company said. The fix delivered with security bulletin MS06-025 can interfere with a certain types of dial-up networking connections, Microsoft said in an article on its support Web site published late Monday. The patch repairs two "critical" security flaws in Windows that could allow an attacker to commandeer a vulnerable PC. Problems occur only with dial-up connections that use a terminal window, or dial-up scripting, Microsoft said. This type of connection may stop responding after applying the patch, the software maker said. "This is an older technology that is rarely used by modern dial-up connections," Microsoft said in the support article. The issue may affect direct-dial connections to a corporate network, to a university network or to some Internet service providers, it said. Microsoft is working on a revised security patch to address the issue. Meanwhile, the company recommends that people who need to use dial-up scripting or terminal window features do not install the security update. The MS06-025 patch is one of 12 security bulletins Microsoft released last week with fixes for 21 flaws. Attack code that exploits some of those flaws is already out, increasing the risk to users. There is no known public exploit for the flaws patched by MS06-025, however a private exploit is available to users of a tool made by security vendor Immunity, according to Symantec. Patches cause trouble at times, on occasion prompting Microsoft to fix those it's released. In April, Microsoft released a second version of a Windows Explorer update because the original interfered with Hewlett-Packard software and Nvidia drivers. Microsoft to fix Windows patch By Joris Evers Staff Writer, CNET Published: April 21, 2006, 12:31 PM PDT Tell us what you think about this storyTalkBack E-mail this story to a friendE-mail View this story formatted for printingPrint Microsoft on Tuesday plans to release a new version of a "critical" security patch for Windows to repair problems some people had with the first version of the fix. The updated patch will be made available on Microsoft's online updating service, Microsoft Update, and pushed out to users via the Automatic Updates feature in Windows, a Microsoft spokesman said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. Microsoft will push out the fix only to people who have already applied the update and are experiencing problems related to Hewlett-Packard Share-to-Web software or older Nvidia graphics drivers, the spokesman said. "Customers who have already applied the MS06-015 update and are not experiencing the problem need take no action," he said. The MS06-015 patch, designed to plug a flaw in Windows Explorer, can cause myriad problems for users of HP printers, scanners and digital cameras or Nvidia drivers prior to version 61.94. People with Sunbelt Software's Kerio Personal Firewall also will notice that Windows no longer works as it should after applying the fix, Microsoft has said. The troubles include being unable to access or save files in special folders like "My Documents" and "My Pictures" and unresponsive Office applications. Other issues include applications that crash after trying to open a file, no response after typing an address into Internet Explorer's address bar, and no effect after right-clicking on a file and selecting "Send To," according to an article on Microsoft's support Web site. While designed to fix a security issue in Windows Explorer, the patch can actually also impair that specific Windows feature. Clicking on the "plus" sign beside a folder in the file browser may have no effect, Microsoft said in its support article. That action should expand the directory tree. The Windows Explorer fix is not the only patch that can cause trouble for users. Some people have reported problems with three out of five security updates that Microsoft released this month. A comprehensive fix for Internet Explorer can break some Web applications and an update for Outlook Express can block access to the address book, among other issues. Microsoft had recommended that people experiencing trouble with the Windows Explorer fix manually change their Windows Registry, a core part of the operating system that stores PC settings. Meddling with the registry can, however, cause even more trouble, and inexperienced users probably should not touch it. Kerio users should configure the firewall to allow the new Microsoft file to execute without warning, the company has said.
Gods teeth...dont MS even test this junk before they release it?..It's bad enough with all the auto-update spyware they are forcing on everybody..without messing everything up as well with useless updates that cause more problems than they fix.. Thank god I gave up with windows.. A faulty update to fix a faulty update.. MS strikes again.. "Well...It started when I tried to dig up a deep rooted weed in my lawn"..said Joe two dogs to his neighbour as they gazed out over the Grand Canyon.
janrocks and ye guys watch this thread as any thing hot i post here,i posted the above this morning.. International Coffee,Tea And Gift Shop Chat Room,And Some Tech News And Downloads and tech news here
My friend had the same problem for a very long time, the solution was that he hadn't downloaded the latest hardware for router etc but right after he did it worked, the answer might not be as easy in this case but if you haven't downloaded the latest hardware, then do so .
i dont think i can becuase i got a d-link 504 and they dont do support or updates for the product no more
I don't think the problem mentioned in the windows patch is the cause. I can't even remember when the last time I seen anyone having to use a terminal window and dialup scripting and that's what the article says is the only time this patch will affect your connection. That was in use when people used to connect over SLIP connections, not PPP as they do today on dialup. I know its been since Windows 95 since I seen anyone still using SLIP. With that, you had to open a terminal window and type the connection parameters and username/password. I would try looking at the modem logs. There should be a logging function in the configuration of the modem or router that has logging. See if those logs give any indication of the reason for disconnect.
This might sound a bit you have any of the APM power saving features enabled on your pc.. I'm just thinking that it's attempting to go into standby mode and sending a kill signal to all external devices. Either that or there's a problem at your exchange, or even with your phoneline. Do you get a lot of crackles/background noise/echoes when you use a phone on it?
Trial and error then..replace a cable/component at a time until it stops doing it. Maybe your isp doesn't like you being continuously connected. Who knows? Perhaps they have server problems. Even my cable goes out sometimes.
i think its my router! becuase it is old (about 5 years) i think its becuase it overheats becuase everytime it does it i have to unplug the power cable and i can feel the heat on the top of my dsl-504
i have this same router and when my broadband was working fine the router would work faultlessly for approx 1 week before losing connection. a weekly power cycle solved this. Now i'm with a different ISP and think there's still an issue with the line. I'm using a cheapy crappy USB modem which cuts out randomly then fixes itself, this happens when i use my 504T also (under Windows and Linux). Am now having the same issue after installing my new Linksys Wireless modem/router, it loses connection randomly then restarts the connection. This is also under Windows and Linux (both wired connections and wireless under both Windows and Linux). Basically i think there's a line problem in my case as i've troubleshot all the stuff that i can. in your case if it's every 24 hours the ISP is probably booting you off briefly, a lot of the ISP's are sneaky like that, or feeble, all we ever hear these days is how the networks can't cope with all the traffic, it's probably all lies just to get us to pay for more as the competition for bandwidth is so fierce
When we first got our wireless router, we were constantly losing connection. Ready to chuck the router out the door, I phoned up Shaw, our internet provider. It was a simple solution, and haven't had problems since. Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan Settings/Automatic Configuration.......untick all. Don't know if this will help, but it did for us.
You know i think i know what the prob is! maybe you set your connection to go off after a certain amount of time? or more likely the prob i had, your ISP may be facing a few probs due to increased people choosing them, and loads of people logging on at the same time and causing the connection to overload and flop, make a good complaint to demon, if you live in a house and not a flat get a bt or cable guy to come round and rewire your phone lines! that will fix the problem and give you a good speed. ps. I dont know the cost of rewiring but most of the time it is free.