Hi, I looked at my adapter's advanced options and found that Ethernet was already on top like in this picture here: http://image.prntscr.com/image/a668ff49f2734f4e8f458ae473071cdf.png However whenever I do a speedtest I get low speeds that suggest that my wireless connection is being used instead of my wired connection that is nearly 3 times faster. Can someone help me out on how to give priority to my ethernet connection without disabling my wireless adapter? Or is there another way to test if whether my wireless or wired connection is being used? I'm on Windows 10 btw.
Just disconnect from your wi-fi network. No need to disable wi-fi adapter. Run your test, and go from there.
My system is an MSI GT80 2QE. @Hrtbrkn I don't want to disable my wifi network as I need it for some applications that only work through wifi(Unified Remote) while I mainly use my wired connection. I tried changing the metrics on both my ethernet card and wireless card and noticed that the ethernet is on 9 while the wireless is on 1 which means that the wireless gets priority, but whenever I change the metric to 20 or anything else it immediately resets when I go back to the setting to see if it's still on 20.