Hi everyone. Im having a problem with my liteon sohw 1633s burner. Im wondering if its time to get a new burner. First of all, the firmware i am using is the 1635s CSOT. And ive been using it for a month or two. RIght now, i am not able to burn anything (though i havent tried burning cds, just dvds). A while back i had a problem burning with nero recode and clonedvd so lately i've been ripping dvds with dvd decryptor, then burning them with the dvd writing tool in tmpg dvd author. And that seemed to be working fine for a while. With the writing tool i keep getting writing error when it is supposed to be burning the lead out. When i look at the dvd it appears to be completely blank, and even the computer says its blank as well. With dvd shrink it will finish burning, but it actually has not burned anything at all. I'm not really sure if these discs are wasted or not. I don't think this is a media issue. Right now I am using sony media and maxell (ritek). But ive been having problems on and off for a while, and im not sure if the computer has something to do with it. But ive been able to get by. And now I cant burn at all. Though it still seems to read discs fine, and i even rip dvds still. Is my burner dead? If anyone can help me out i'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
My Lite-On did the same thing when it started to die. Mine had problems reading/ripping though too. You might have a bad unit.
Thanks for the reply. I think its probably time for me to get a new burner. I've only had it for about 5 months, but i got alot of use out of it in the short time. Does anyone have a recommendation for a decent burner?
I had problems with my Liteon burner after 13 months. I tried everthing to get it to work , but in the end i had to buy a new burner. I got an LG 4163b and this has been brilliant at burning anything . I think the Liteons have a quality problem , i would not by another .
My Litey lasted about a 16-17 months, with heavy usage towards the end. I guess I got lucky there... I highly recommend the BenQ DW1650 for a replacement, I 've had nothing but good results with this drive, as well as my BenQ DW1655 which is the same drive except for it has lightscribe. Of course, quality media is key as well... I've been using Taiyo Yuden DVD+R (YUDEN000-T02) with excellent results.