What's up people? This place looks great and let me apologize up front for being a newbie, but I'm trying to learn. Here's the deal. I have NeroVision, Nero Express, the DVD plugin for NeroVison, and DVD Shrink What I want to do is put two large mpegs on one DVD. The thing is is that both will not fit on one DVD. NeroVison gives me a message saying that the limit of compression has been exceeded and I can do it manually or something to that nature. I'm not worried about compromising quality so what is the best and easiest way I get this all on one DVD? I thought DVD Shrink would do this but I'm not sure how. If I click on 'Open Files' within DVD Shrink I thought that might help to compress, but correct me if I'm wrong I think this is only for .ISO files. Your help is greatly appreciated.
What is the size of both of your MPEG's? Why don't you use some kind of merger to merge both the movies together. I used a program called "Movie Joiner" to merge my two dvd's than used some compressor to decrease the file size. This might not help for I am a newb myself. SORRY!