My pc Rebboted it self please help..

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Xenokai, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    ok i just got a newer pc like a month ago and it has rebooted it self twice sence i got it the 1st time which is before i got my <grafics card> it rebboted it self when ever i minimized my demo of unreal turanment 2004 and tryed to add a file for mp3's to play ut04 with it just rebboted then and it just did it again today after i got my 256 meg geforce fx 5500 also during UT04 but this time during a loading screen and <i was gonna use my friend airflow controler which was the 1st time> and it rebboted itself My main question is is it the UT04 demo doing this or is it my pc overheating? its never rebooted itself sep during ut04 and i even burn dvd movies and it doesnt reboot <so far> anyone know if its UT04 <demo> or my pc? thank's
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    try using pc for a couple of days without using demo than try demo. if possible try demo on another computer to see if problem follows or not. possibility might be a ram problem so try run 1 stick of ram at a time trying demo to see if problem occurs
  3. Xenokai

    Xenokai Regular member

    Jul 10, 2004
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    i think it is the demo im not sure but i played far cry demo today and it didnt reboot and it has alot better graphics and takes up more ram than ut04 does guess its the demo BTW far cry was kinda jurky whn putting the details up but i guess its my card i paid 80 for it but it runs call of duty perfect.

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