my pioneer 106d made dvd-r can't be read by cyberhome 402

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by thomax, Oct 18, 2003.

  1. thomax

    thomax Member

    Oct 18, 2003
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    I bought a pioneer 106d recently. I'm trying to burn some movie on the bulkpaq dvd-r g4 using nero 6 ultra demo. I use DVDShrink 3.0 beta 5 to make the backup for nero. The DVD can be played on my PC with no problem. But it can't be read at all by my cyberhome 402 DVD player. I tried to play the same type of media burned by friend and the player works fine. I've burnt 5 disc with some minor setting difference and all failed to be read by 402. Please can somebody tell me what's wrong. Thank you very much!
  2. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Well, I have a pioneer 106 and also a cyberhome 402 but do not use Nero at all.....

    I am assuming you are putting ALL files produced by Dvd Shrink into a folder called VIDEO_TS and therefore just burning that folder in Nero?

    Cyberhome usually will play ANYTHING you throw at it, so even though the media you are using in my opinion is low quality, I would discount the media as being the problem......

    As for your friend, what burning software are they using as there process is obviuosly working well?

    Personally I do not use Nero for one reason, it is aleays hit and miss for me and I use Recordnow DX, this produces flawless burns for me and I would recoomend a trail of it (30 day)

    Available at

    I do not know the full capabilities of the trial demo version of Nero 6 but the Recordnow DX is a full trial version.......worth a shot I think....

    What settings are you using in Nero, list your settings and maybe it is a simple setting.....

    Your problem may just be down to Nero not finalising the disc, this I think is a common problem and I think it is caused by the DAO function but as of yet have no evidence to back this up....

    2 basic settings that NEED to be selected are:
    No multisession
    Finalise disc

    Have you got these selected?

    Hope this helps, I cannot recommend Nero as I am not a fan of it at all....

    Let us know your settings, and we'll try and find the route of the problem....
  3. thomax

    thomax Member

    Oct 18, 2003
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    Hi, thanks!
    Nero's new compilation produces two directories: audio_ts and video_ts. all files produced by dvdshrink should go to the video_ts. oddly the two settings you menttioned are not available to select. on the new compilation dialog of nero burning ROM the multisession tab disappears for DVD-Video operation and the finalizedvd checkbox is checked but disabled. what I've done are just some changes on relax ISO restrictions. I know one of my friends using some earlier version of nero(5.x). I thought nero 6 should be better. anyway I will try recordnow DX to see what happens. Thanks again.
  4. koola

    koola Guest

    CloneDVD can also write DVD either from files or ISO/UDF images. It also includes features now which allow you to choose your writing speed.

    Worth a try!
  5. thomax

    thomax Member

    Oct 18, 2003
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    Can't find a RecordNow so I tried Gear Pro and cut 3 discs. All works fine with CHDVD 402. So I reckon it's a problem of Nero 6 demo. I saw somebody post a similar problem about Nero 6 on this forum. Maybe because it's a demo version.

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