i used html and were it you change your signiture i clicked on the bubble tht said html but when i end messeges the signiture appears as text
All you need to do is make sure the pic is successfully uploaded to the net. Then type this: Your signatures URL will replace this: http://www.theurl.com/picture.jpg There is an example of this when you go to reply, just above the text box.
this is what i want to put as my signiture [font c=purple]tis what i mean by cheese[/font][font c=blue] [font c=orange]S[/font][font c=33FF00]P[/font][font c=yellow]R[/font][font c=red]E[/font][font c=660066]E[/font]
hehe, well, you can't use html crap in your siggy on this forum. convert the file to some sort of common image, like .jpg or .bmp, upload it somewhere online (like photobucket.com), and once you're sure it's less than 80 KB in file size, you're good to go. put the link in the image tags (examples are found right above the reply box when you start typing a reply), and your siggy should appear fine.
ok now does anyone know how to do that on yahoo cause it wont let me when i use html it will appear as tetx wich is anoying
do what on yahoo? host your picture? unless you open a site on yahoo, you're not going to get them to host a pic. even if you do, you'll find yourself running out of bandwidth quickly. basically, you have 2 choices: 1.) create an image version of your html code and host it somewhere. if you know java or any other internet coding, you can probably figure a way to get an image hosting site to display your html properly, and then link that image in your sig. or 2.) dump the html image junk totally, and get a real image. create something in photoshop...i dunno, be creative. you'll get it
np, teach and learn. if there's anyway you think i or the others around here could help you, please don't hesitate to ask. that's what we're here for
sig is wayyyy too tall there, LOCOENG. could you either get smaller pics or get rid of them altogether?