MY Sony DRU-510A DVD±RW Writer has stopped working/help plz.

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by dave25, Jun 14, 2003.

  1. dave25

    dave25 Member

    May 20, 2003
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    hi guys

    i have had my Sony DRU-510A DVD±RW Writer for only 10 days and looks like it has packed in already. Im dont know what happened to it but i was using Instand copy at the time and it popped up a error message when it started writing.
    The light on writer kept on flashing, so i rebooted my computer, manualing opened the tray using a pin to get my blank dvd out.
    My computer doeasnt recognises it, it flashes a few times when the computer boots up and thats all! I have tried reinstalling it , but no success.
    Would like to hear from expert members of whats likely to be the fault, before i take it back on Monday. I think i will be asking for a replaced straight away, I hope i am entitled to do that!!

  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    If the writer is deemed faulty, you have a right to a replacement up to 28 days from the day you purchased it. Dont not take 'we'll repair it' for an answer. You also ave a money back guarantee on faulty goods for 28 days.
  3. akoli

    akoli Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    I also purchased that Drive (Originally ordered it december last year ) after waiting sox months for this drive it arrived and lasted all of 5 hours before it packed in , same problem the light just flashes and the tray does not open or close, I've called the helpline and theri pretty useless - the guy told me to do a full system restore - even though I specifically told him the drives problems where hardware related . After declining his advice (about 20 mins of saying no I'm not willing to do a system restore the drives buggered not my system)he eventually gave me the adress of their repair company - Avery Berkel Uk , also if you read your warranty you'll find that you pay postage and carriage which is nice way to spend £7 . SO far the drive has been away for 10 days and I have concluded Sony & Avery Berkel do not communicate with each other as Avery Berkel had no idea it was coming and sony had no idea I sent it !!!! I was advised by avery berkel that if I had not sent in a letter of comlaint they would not have been able to contact me as they had no record !!!! Sony's excuse was their procedures where changing ( Still refused to reimburse my postage ) Plus they still say it will be ten working days once the drive is booked in. So my advice is take it back to the shop and get your money back they can deal with all the sh*t I've had to put up with . I cant really return it because I've waited so long for it plus I need the multiformat drive .
  4. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Listen, if its within 28 days, never never NEVER get it repaired. You have the LEGAL RIGHT to your money back or a new drive. Don't be fooled by sales guys, i was one for 4 years. My manager would always have told me to tell customers, no refunds. He was wrong.
  5. dave25

    dave25 Member

    May 20, 2003
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    I returned my Sony writer back today to CCL Computers Bradford. They were very helpful, was asked whether I want a replaced or refund straight away. They didnt have any sony writers in stock, so as i couldnt wait I opted for a OEM version of the pioneer 105 which was £150 cheaper than the sony one. I know it doeasnt do +dvd's but i think I can live with that, and because it was a lot cheaper I can always opt for a new one a year or so later. i hope this one last for than 10 days!!
  6. taichim

    taichim Member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    I had this same problem and I had to exchange it from the retail store that I bought it from. I had that drive for only 2 weeks. What the **** is Sony thinking?

    I was extremely pissed off cuz I contacted Sony customer support and they didn't give me any answers. Now that I have a new drive and I am still worrying that the problem will happen again :( I am running firmware 1.0c now, and hopefully it won't happen again.

    If I could choose again, I would probably just get a Pioneer.
  7. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    You made the right choice Dave ;-)
  8. Tosca

    Tosca Guest


    Never contact customer support. They'll just give you the runaround. Go to the place you purchased it and either get a refund or a replacement. If they only allow you a replacement and that one fails then you are in every right to get a refund. If they refuse contact your CC company.

  9. rudinator

    rudinator Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    man, i just realized sony dru510a SUCXXX. I just bought it 2 weeks ago, and barely installed it last night. It burned well on CD-R, but it only burned half for DVD+R. I tried 2 times for DVD+R, in the middle of burning it says write error,blah blah.Does anyone know what might be the problem? What do i need to do? By the way, I'm using Record Now. Thanks.
  10. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    lol - error blah blah balh - yeah get it all the time.

    We need to know what was in the Blah Blah Blah bit so that we can help you - :)
  11. vlad

    vlad Member

    Jan 31, 2003
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    i have found that the sony is very particular as to which blank dvds you use. it does not like memorex at all. fujis [-r and +r] seem to work very well.
  12. rudinator

    rudinator Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    sorry about that. I got this error: "Error 10 at sector 1302720 Disc write error, command: 2A Sense 03 ASC 0C, ASCQ: 08" I'm using Record Now 4.5, i was trying to back up my movie. I used dvd shrink. please help.
  13. Smuggler

    Smuggler Guest

    I have a Sony DRU-510 and (so far) i haven't had any problems with it.... i mainly use Memorex DVD+RW's and i haven't had 1 bad burn so far.....
  14. weawen

    weawen Guest

    I have one and it has worked fine for about 3 months and just puked on me today. I was burning a DVD movie and then it froze, rebooted computer and bam no DVD, I cant even play a normal DVD. The CD R/W work fine, read and write, but no DVD. I have upgraded the firm ware and even ran the drive check program from sony, but it will not recognize that I ever have media in the drive, windows will not either. Is there any type of driver upgrade I can toss on it or is my drive totally SOL, I hope its not FooBared cus replacing it will suck... there goes a nother $200 for a new drive :-(
  15. jimmyjamm

    jimmyjamm Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I have just had the same trouble that dave25 had. I've had the sony dru-510a for about 3 months. Last night I was burning a CD-R and an error message popped up. I was like, "That's weired, I've never received an error message before with this drive." That was followed by a quickly flashing red indicator light on the drive with no recognition that the drive even exists anymore in Windows XP. The eject button on the front of the drive will not function either. I am hoping that the retail store where I purchased it will be so kind as to let me exchange the drive. Up until the part where the drive crapped out, I had only good things to say about it.
  16. vlad

    vlad Member

    Jan 31, 2003
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    mine has developed a new trick: it hangs up and runs constantly with a solid amber light. the only way that i can stop it is to shut down and restart.

    has anyone been in touch with sony?
  17. chappy76

    chappy76 Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I just had the same prob after two days of it working ok and went to the sony site where it said if it flashes orange to contact your local support centre as the firmware needs updating. Did that and they told me to download the latest driver from the sony site, which I did. BUT, it's an updater that recognises the drive to be updated and my cpu only recognises the drive as a 'sony boot DW-14a' not as the burner, so the updater won't work. I will take the bucket of snot in tomorrow and post the results, if I ever see it again....

  18. jimmyjamm

    jimmyjamm Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Well, the store where I purchased my 510a told me to pack sand. I ended up getting an RMA and sending the drive back UPS 2nd day to San Jose. I tried the "online chat" with tech support through the sony support web site. The guy told me that these all were known problems and that after the drive has been repaired there should be no more inconveniences. (Wishful thinking!) Anyways, if you end up having to send your DRU-510a in for repairs, make sure you call the 800 number listed on the inside of the box it came in. For quick reference, the number is 800-588-3847. Their web address for support is And the address to return the faulty drive to is:
    Sony Service Center,
    975 Mabury Road,
    San Jose, CA 95133.
    One more thing, if you send your drive in for repair or replacement, you may want to grab an old cd-rom or something to use in the interim because I was told that the EARLIEST I would get it back is 2-3 weeks. Hope this helps.
  19. jimmyjamm

    jimmyjamm Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    One more thing.... Get an RMA from the guy at the 800 number before you mail your faulty product back and write it on the outside of the box before you mail it. It's also a good idea to affix your name, address, telephone number and RMA number to the drive itself like on a sticky or with some tape or something. That way if the drive gets seperated from the box at the repair facility, they will have good info on who it goes back to.

  20. dave25

    dave25 Member

    May 20, 2003
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    yeah, i ended up getting another sony and the same thing happened to it again, i rang Sony Uk and they told me this is a known problem. So i ended to getting the older version 500 which has been working fine since June!

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