This is my thought that I think that admins should listen to. Keep in mind, this is MY thought that im entitled to. Anyways... they should setup the site forums part to be like it is but in each end section(where the threads are) should have another sub section with stickies, guides, whatever. All the misc guides and random stickies could be put there so there isnt a small limit to the amount and they dont fill up the front page. Basically, it would be like this:> -selected forum-> --sub forum with stickies and guides --threads instead of> -selected forum-> --threads and stickies/guides If they did my suggestion, you could have alot of threads of guides and whatnot without filling up the main forum page of other threads. Just my thought...
I know it's taken ages for a response. I thought this was a good idea so I went off and tried to do it on my own site. It's almost impossible with current phpbb type setups. Just can't be done. As for AD.. I think from my findings it would take a full rebuild from the ground up as the database in existence now would be incompatable with the new layout. I found that by setting it up so every section heading is in effect an independent forum, crosslinked but seperate it does work, but the server load is tremendous. More than my hardware can take so as far as I got. A good idea, but unfortunately probably impossible to achieve in practice, whilst keeping all the current database.
Lol, I forgot about this thread. Impossible you say eh? Well I guess that makes a challenge. Oh well. It was just a thought.