I got a toshiba laptop was working fine before now this is what happened. I whent to do something it over heated and whent off (does sometimes) then i normally turn it on and it works, but now when I turned the laptop on the windows xp screen loads the blue bar goes side to side, then after that at one point it just stops and a bule screen with white writing comes up quickly and goes quickly then the laptop restarts I cant even get onto the log on screen, any programs that I can use that bootale to fix this problem, I have got valuble things on my laptop which i forgot to backup which is a pity, I really need help thanks.. I have tryed safe mode, last kwon configuration, all of them and the same problem happens...
do you have a copy of windows that you could use? you could do a "repair windows" option once you boot with that, backup everything important, then reformat (for the sake of it not happening again).
once you repair the installation, burn everyone you don't want to lose to a cd's/dvd's, then reformat and reinstall everything.
boot the laptop from your windows disc. select you will find a series of options, including "repair windows installation." once that is done, you can boot windows back up like normal. now, for safety's sake, so that you don't lose anything or risk this again (as easily), back up any data you don't want to lose, then reformat the laptop with the previously mentioned windows disc. reinstall your applications, games, data, etc, and you're done.
hi, what model of toshiba laptop do you have? There is a problem with overheating, shutting down, etc with the Satellite A70/A75 and M35/38? .. there is a civil lawsuit going on about this. I have the A75 and have the motherboard replaced 5 times and the top panel replaced once ... toshiba just wants to keep 'fixing' it not replace it with a good laptop that won't have problems. if you are still under warranty get it into the shop and have it looked at.
that wierd i just had the same problem like 5 minutes ago i just made a post about it and then i found this only i have a toshiba satellite A65 but my friend has one like yours and im pretty sure their almost the same one