ok, so all of a sudden - BAM! they don't work nomore everything seems normal in device manager... and I just reinstalled drivers and still same thing.. can plz anybody help? here's is thread, I created at Gamespot - I had some advices but they didn't work for me
Where you trying to install some off the wall driver when this happened? A friend ran into the same type of problem when trying to install a delcom driver one time. We ended up having to delete these files from system32 folder oem?.inf, oem?.pnf, usb.pnf, usbiods.inf, usbiods.pnf, and usbiods.sys.The ? refers to a number that will be different on each computer. Then extracting usb.inf from the cd with this command extract "usb.in_ usb.inf" to the system32 folder. Then install the driver and it worked out.
guys, PLEASE Help me! i can't print anything, charge my mp3 player- plz help somebody!!! man, we getting really dependable on computers
If none of the USB ports work: 1. try removing them from the device manager and restarting. 2. check the system's BIOS to see if they weren't disabled. 3. purchase USB PCI card. 4. replace motherboard.