Okay , at first , my xbox was booting to Error 21. It still played games if they were in the drive when you turned on the xbox. Well , I was going to use AID 3.0 to fix it ...and it wouldnt start the disc. So , I thought , my xbox was just one of the xboxes that wouldnt read a CD-R. So , Later on , my friend and I wanted to do some glitches on HALO 2. Well , NOW IT WONT EVEN PLAY A GAME!! So , am I just screwed?
Maybe, maybe not. Depends if you got backups of your Xbox hard drive cause then you could use XBHDM to rebuild your hard drive after formatting it. Or you could build a hard drive from scratch with XBHDM and your Xbox hard drive formatted. But other than that I can't really think of another way to help you.
are you still getting error code 21? if so your xbox isnt messed up you just need to do a hotswap. know how?
But if you did backup your M$ dash then you probably should have ftped that folder to your computer if not look to Tybro9 cause I don't know much in the hotswapping subject.
No , I never backed up my entire xbox onto my PC. But , when I was still in the process of modding it , it had the option to "BACK-UP MS" and "BACK-UP MOD" ... I backed up both of them.
onto your laptop right? hmm, well you might have to ftp, im not that good with it, ill try to get someone to help you with it