Ok, here's the EXACT STORY of what happened. ......***wavy dream sequence scene**** ***dream bubble with subtitles**** **subtitles*** ->>I was looking online for info on my newly aquired Xbox (NOT 360!) and I got ahold of a scamatics picture, it looked interesting, and i happened to have a torx wrench set, so I (thinking it was just like a computer) took my xbox apart, unplugged the HDD, tried the DVD drive in my computer, then after all my messing around, put it back together EXACTLY the way it was! I even took precausions before hand and took pictures of the inside of the xbox before i took it apart, so as to make sure that it went back just like it was. I would hate to ruin this expensive little......*....thing. and so, I did. La di da - plug it in...set the plastic drive holder things in, put the cover on...screw it in...turn it on...t.u.r.n. i.t. o.n ??? OMG!!!! my heart sank!! it turned on, sort of, then off, then on(ish) again, then off, then on, but flashing red and green!!!! i can open the dvd drive, but there is nothing displaying on my screen, no error messages, nothing! I am scared, please tell me if there is somthing i can do about this and if so, exactly what to do.If there are any other details you need, just ask. I am nervous, please help. thanks
Take it apart and check all connections Etc....this is a frag error which you shouldnt be getting....im sure something is just loose
Trust me, I have Checked the wires like 6 times, they should be ok. But just to make sure, I'll go thru them again here in a sec. & make it all good. Although, When I was messing around with it, I hit the processor under the bigger heat sync, (I am not sure if it's the Intel or the GPU), and I thought the corner broke up, so I just pushed it back down, you know - no big deal. Could this be a major problem? ***And BTW, If the A/V's were out it would flash orange, not red, but thanks anyway*** If it is a problem, (Because I'm lazy) could I just replace the processor, or would I need to replace the WHOLE THING? And B/T/B, if anyone knows, how much does an Xbox's 733 cost??(733 mhz intell proxer) <<OR the off-the-shelf 233 mhz GPU, maybe even the 250 , depending...>> Much help, thanks. All Coments/Tips welcome.
I found out that the problem was just that the dielectric grease linknt the processor to the heat sync was dis-located and i just need to get some, and reconnect the link so that it will read the processor as "there" instead of fraging on me, it will start up. woot for me, and thanks u all for tryin to help.
I found out that the problem was just that the dielectric grease linknt the processor to the heat sync was dis-located and i just need to get some, and reconnect the link so that it will read the processor as "there" instead of fraging on me, it will start up. woot for me, and thanks u all for tryin to help.
I found out that the problem was just that the dielectric grease linknt the processor to the heat sync was dis-located and i just need to get some, and reconnect the link so that it will read the processor as "there" instead of fraging on me, it will start up. woot for me, and thanks u all for tryin to help.
WEll, i have to pick up some dielectric grease, so im nnot 100% sure if it will work again........time will tell.