Is this N5 better then the M3 Ds simply need some clarification please on which one to buy Here’s the M3 which one do you recommend My other post got closed by that nice man Creaky bless him still need some guidance This is my other thread Sorry for sounding a knob but only just started reading about M3 DS Simply am I correct in thinking if I buy this adaptor it allows you to copy Ds games to a flash card and you can play games of it if so how do you copy a Ds game since they are on a cartridge I take it we are on about torrents? Also if I do purchase an M3 which one should I buy had a look and there is more then one and I don’t think you can buy the simple version any more my daughter has an Ds so interested for her sake bit of clarification please on the whole process cheers This is a list of all the options not sure on which one to buy
whats a N3? i think you meant M3. that website you mentioned is expensive. just do a simple google and you will find it cheaper. anyway i wouldnt buy N5 or M3. Ive read that N5 can blown the DS fuse, do a web search and find out. i recent got a Acekard 2 and loved it. got and read their reviews. M3 was given a silver rating. acekard 2 got gold rating.
cheers was in abit of a rush when i posted the first post.. And I did Google it and that’s about the cheapest I could find, it comes with a 2 gig stick Amazon was more expensive
Its got to be the M3 real. Alot of places say that the N5 was a r4 rip off, for the worse. I got my r4 which gets good reviews from When I ordered I noticed they also do M3.
Yes it was the real £33 + £3 posted if you click on this link and scroll down your see it includes the rumble pack I like the sound of Acekard 2 that MaryD7 recommended having trouble finding it in the uk at a good price any suggestions where I can get it cheapest I’ve found it is £45 might have been more then that cant remember
Not really, I use them for getting cartridges for friends etc as they are the cheapest. Try emailing them. I was waiting for a ndstt that were out of stock. I contacted them regarding the stock and they replied saying they were due in in a couple days. I waited a couple of days and ordered.
the only uk store that i can find sells acekard 2 is thats where i bought mine from. acekard 2 + 2GB for £35+pp is reasonable i guess. sell em too but its from hong kong.