Can anybody tell me of a good n64 emulator for xbox that WORKS? i've tried 1964, surreal, project 64, and none of them work I know it's not how i'm doing it because i'm using ftp to install them on my harddrive and I have nintendo snes sega and psone emulators that ALL work but for some reason i cannot get the 64 emulator to work. if anybody can help me i'd appreciate it.
dont ftp i used surreal put all the roms in the folder and made an iso out of it using quix and i burnt it as an image using nero 6 onto a cd-rw, works perfectly. and if u want it saved on your xbox use Px HDD Loader v1.2a to save it in if u r using evox u can download it from
i fixed it it was the copy of surreal i had. got another from xbins and it works but this sucks a lot of the games don't work like perfect dark and road rash is there any way to fix this??