N64 on Viper GCN: Help

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by clickbile, May 10, 2005.

  1. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    So basically, if I understand correctly, here's what I have to do:

    1) Download the N64 ROM and Phoenix loader.
    2) Start Phoenix, choose to load an N64 ROM.
    3) Copy the hidden file named N64.ISO into wherever I want, and rename it whatever I want.
    4) Repeat for each N64 game I want, then combine it all using the Viper MultiBootISO Creator. Pad it out to 1.35GB, burn, and run.

    So, here are my questions:

    1) Is that absolutely correct?
    2) What is the compatibility list that Nintendo gave with the emulator?
    3) What games have been tested by users and HAVE NOT worked?
    4) What games have been tested by users and HAVE worked?
    5) Do I need to patch the games? If so, how?

    Any and all input is greatly appreciated; thanks a lot in advance.
  2. irri

    irri Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    1) yes, i think that's correct. but i think it's useless without saving function.
  3. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Okay... so what about the ISO list? Could anyone contribute what they've tested, what worked, and what didn't work?
  4. koteshi

    koteshi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I've tried several games today:

    1080° Snowboarding
    Blast Corps
    Bomberman 64
    Command & Conquer
    Conker's Bad Fur Day
    Diddy Kong Racing
    F-Zero X
    Goldeneye 007
    Mario Party
    Mission Impossible
    Perfect Dark
    Pokemon Stadium 2
    Star Fox 64
    Super Smash Borthers
    Super Mario 64
    Yoshi's Story


    Wave Race (sometimes without sound), Kirby 64 (some graphical errors), Star Fox (no problems), Super Smash Brothers (menu ok, but in-game full of graphical errors)

    Some showed a blacksreen after loading, others didn't do anything...

    Any other games that work?
  5. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    koteshi can you explain all the steps you did including how you burned the roms, media used, etc? Did you put multiple n64 games on one disc and pad to 1.35gb?
  6. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    All right, I followed all the steps in my original post with a bunch of games. I've tested some that haven't worked, which I will list later, but right now the ones that have worked are Star Fox 64 and Wave Race 64.
  7. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Kirby also worked. The games I burned were:

    1080 Snowboarding
    Army Men Sarge's Heroes
    Beetle Adventure Racing
    Castlevania LoD
    Cruisin' USA
    Destruction Derby 64
    Doom 64
    Dr. Mario 64
    Ganbare Goemon (JP)
    Goldeneye 007
    Harvest Moon 64
    Killer Instinct Gold
    LoZ: MM
    Mario Kart 64
    Mario Party 2
    Mario Party 3
    Mario Tennis
    Mega Man 64
    Mortal Kombat 4
    Mortal Kombat Trilogy
    Paper Mario
    Perfect Dark
    Star Fox 64
    Super Mario 64 (both JP and USA)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
    Wave Race 64
    Wipeout 64
    Yoshi's Story

    All games were USA unless noted otherwise; I didn't get to try most, but I did get to try some - off the top of my head, Yoshi's Story, SM64 (both versions), Paper Mario, Mario Party 2, Mario Kart 64, and some others. Out of those, not one worked; some froze at the point where you chose whether or not to save. Others froze once the loading bar was full. Mario Kart 64 continually caused a DRE at the exact same spot in loading (however, this may be due to the media - the newest Memorex Mini-DVD-Rs don't work at all unless I swap discs, and even then they sometimes cause DREs in the N64 games and SSX 3... they ALWAYS cause a DRE in Eternal Darkness).

    The games that worked were, once again, Star Fox 64, Wave Race 64, and Kirby. (SF64 actually froze once, but it was because of the media for sure, since it worked perfectly afterwards.) I feel stupid for forgetting to burn Super Smash Bros., but I guess there's no point anyways since I own Super Smash Bros. Melee.
  8. koteshi

    koteshi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    like clickbile said:

    1) Download the N64 ROM and Phoenix loader (you can get it at maxconsole or as part of my gamecube backup kit at http://www.koteshi.de/gamecube).
    2) Start Phoenix, choose to load an N64 ROM.
    3) Copy the hidden file named N64.ISO into wherever I want, and rename it whatever I want.
    4) Repeat for each N64 game I want, then combine it all using the Viper MultiBootISO Creator by Loonycube which you can download at my website. This program pads your files to a 1.35 GB image
    5) Burn the Image
    6) El voila, have fun
  9. CLiPsEmX

    CLiPsEmX Guest

    Thanks for all the help. I appreciate it. Although I thought that the games wouldn't work using multi image discs. According to this chart at least.

    However I've tryed Mario 64 and Mario party but none of them booted up. Just loaded up on the loading screen then blacked out after that every time. I will definatey try starfox to see if it works seeing that you had good results with it.
  10. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Alrighty, I tried a few more... off the top of my head, 1080, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct Gold, and Majora's Mask didn't work. BUT, the very good news is, Mario Kart 64 DID work! The DREs were simply coincidental.

    So far it's been quite good, with the following games functioning with no noticeable glitches:

    Kirby: The Crystal Shards
    Mario Kart 64
    Wave Race 64
    Star Fox 64
  11. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Another update. Tried a few more. None of them really worked. Beetle Adventure Racing ran, but it had pretty bad graphical glitches, even in the menu. The game itself was completely unplayable - for some reason, the camera was looking at the ground or outside the car the whole time. (Often it went through things.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater gave the message "THIS GAME WAS NOT DESIGNED FOR USE ON THIS SYSTEM" (not exact, but similar). Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Yoshi's Story, and a few others didn't work.

    Oddly enough, many of the games I've tried - some of these include Paper Mario, Mario Party 2, and 1080 - ask to create a save file. If I say no (or if there's no memory card) and then choose to continue without saving, it freezes. If I say yes, it creates the save file, and then as soon as it finishes saving, it freezes. I know it freezes because I can hold B + X + Start and it won't reset, like it would if it hadn't frozen. The only game I've noticed so far where it loads all the way, and then stops (without prompting a save) and DOESN'T freeze is Perfect Dark... but I waited a few minutes, and nothing happened. All of the games that have functioned so far (even those that functioned badly - namely THPS and Beetle Adventure Racing) did NOT prompt a save.
  12. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    @ CLiPsEmX: If the screen turned black that is good because that means it is creating a save game. mario 64 got a black screen for 4 minutes, then finally loaded. This is only a one time process for each game though.
  13. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    soccerboi: I noticed you said that in another thread, so I tried it with Mario 64 - both Japanese and American versions. I left the black screen on for about an hour because I forgot about it both times. Nothing happened.
  14. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    sorry, I was talking about with the Phoenix n64 emulator. Only with that the black screen is good. If you haven't tried phoenix do so, I have found it works better.
  15. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    Yeah yeah, I used Phoenix as I stated in my starting post of this thread. It still doesn't work either way. ;_;
  16. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    sorry i couldn't help you. I have no idea what's wrong.
  17. clickbile

    clickbile Member

    May 1, 2005
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    So, wait, let me get this straight.

    Using the unpatched American version of Super Mario 64, on a Phoenix loader, this is what happened with you:

    1) It loaded until the bar was full.
    2) A black screen showed up.

    Then, a few minutes later, the game worked?

    This is NOT what is happening to me. Steps 1 and 2 happen - and BTW, SM64 (both versions) is the only game in which the screen goes blank; it usually freezes at either the point where you choose whether or not to save, or at the full loading point - and then no matter how long I leave it, nothing happens. I will try again right now, but can you confirm that this is what happened with you?
  18. soccerboi

    soccerboi Guest

    Yes, and every time after the first it starts instantly

    with my emulator, it never asks me if I want to save. Are you using phoenix 2.5b?

    I'm using the rom that is named "Super Mario 64 (U) [!].z64" btw.
  19. koteshi

    koteshi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    phoenix 2.5b? When has it been released?
  20. koteshi

    koteshi Regular member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    Oh, my fault. Of course Phoenix 2.5b has been released some time ago...

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