Hi Guys, I am very confused as to if there is a fix for the box's out there or not! On one forum it seems to say there is and in another forum the opposite. I have a Eurovox Max V 2008 and a Eurovox SL1000 and i know that nearly all of the channels are gone now bar a couple. Can some one put me on the straight and narrow about this and just tell me if there is or isnt and if there is give me a link to the new firmware and whatever else i need Thanks
No fix for either box and i do not think there will be one,just out of curiosity what forum said there was a fix?
Apologies the thread i was reading was from 2008 and in my haste to find a fix wasnt minding the dat. Sorry. So do you reckon the Eurovox box's are now rendered useless forever more?
No problem,imo yes,best you could do is try and flog it to some one in the uk,but that's only my opinion.
Ah you never know!! They said there was going to be no dreambox fix and now i have all my channels back. Keep hold of it for another while anyway.
You should know that you can use a number of encyptions alongside each other. So at the moment N1(few channels) N2(all) and N3(all) are on stream.
So, if all channels are on N3 at this stage, how will we know when N2 has been switched off? When KV goes? And how will we know if KV can actually do N3 or not? For all we know, they could even be fully N3 at this stage (couldn't they?).
That's probably the most sound N3 diagnostic we'll get Mickah. What will we all talk about when that happens?
lol best i could there, no one knows, people are more worried about when it happens than enjoying what they currently have. No one knows if, when or how long. We are all gonna die, when? I dont know, but it will happen, I am more worried about what I have now than when I wont.
NAGRA 3 roll before football season starts, AUGUST,SO enjoy whats left, and this is not rumour this is fact...no friend that works there ,the information is from reptual people,So before people start talk of a friend of a freind this is fact,BELEAVE IT OR NOT, so advice to people buying a new box forget it.