i was told that in some parts of the country ireland, nagra 3 is not rolled out yet especially to some people on mmds where nthell have not layed there cables underground and they wont be for a while.can anyone clarify wheather this will make people in these areas still be able to use there sv4 usb boxes
Starview 4 is a cable box ie. cable tuner, 'NO' use to ya on chxxus mmds as you need unit with terrestrial tuner, eg Digivox T, The Box T or Dm500T! Hope this clears it up for you!
so theres no point in telling my friend to get one ,a starview 4 that is ,as it would be useless correct?
ohh really thanks cathaldub ,she told me she is on chourus so the starview 4 box will work then .whe lives miles out can t even get internet no underground cables ,could you recommend a box to get if im wrong in thinking about the starview 4 one