rapidog is a search engine for rapidshare files. there's no fix for nagravision 3 atm, if there was, everyone would know about it in a matter of minutes.
No fix for nagra and none will be out for a while (few years if not more) To put into context the whole Nagra 3 - this encryption has been used by satellite/cable providers for few years now (mostly USA and Europe) and thus far no one has managed to crack it, therefore it is very unlikely when VM roll out Nagra 3 in the UK someone will crack. Now lets assume Nagra 3 was cracked, most likely boxs like Eurovox, Starview will be useless as these box's were engineered for Nagra 1 encryption, and as these box's are closed source, no one would know when a fix was released... however for the open source Linux based box's like Dreambox, they are powerful enough in terms of processing power to handle Nagra 3 and also being open source, a fix would be out rather quickly. Also Nagra 3 uses some form of RSA for keys, and anyone who has worked with RSA security will know this is very secure indeed and very difficult to crack so in a nutshell, free TV is gone for good and accept this fact and start paying premium costs to either VM or Sky.
if we look back at the NAgra 2 rollout, it was the linux boxs that were last across the lines, not the likes of the Kryptviews etc, 2 days in fact, the later version of boxs, SV4 and 5, Kryptviews etc, can and should handle a Nagra 3 firmware, but more chance of liverpool winning the league and rafa selling salads outside anfield (the latter is looking likely)than a nagra 3 fix coming out,