I'm experiencing problems joining two .avi files using Nandub version 1.0rc2 (build 1853/release). My friend is using this version of Nandub and it is working fine for him. Here's my problem - I open Nandub and click on File and select Open video file, then I select the first .avi file and click the Open button I receive the following error message "Cannot locate decompressor for format XVid (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player are not compatible' My operating system is Windows XP Home Edition. Can anyone help me out with this problem?
Install XviD like it says. Could also try VirtualDubMod. Should let you join even without a decompressor installed.
To celtic_d Thanks for the quick reply. I downloaded and installed the Xvid codec as you suggested. Nandub works fine now. Thanks again.