k so i am gonna get an ipod but idk if i should get a video or nano: if i go to like peekvid.com or youtube or something and download videos/tv shows/movies w.e to my comp [i kno how to do tht] will i just be able to move tht to my ipod? do i have to buy videos or can i just download them from limewire? is an ipod video easy to work? i need ur opinion on this one... thanks :]
Any video you download will need to be converted to the MP4 format for the iPod. You can do this with a simple little converter like Videora (which is free). It's as easy as selecting the video you want to convert, then pressing convert. Then you can put the video in iTunes to sync to your iPod.
if you want to watch movies definitely buy ipod video, this is a comparison about ipod nano and ipod video for your reference.
I like the size of the iPod video screen but I like the size of the Nano overall. I ended up getting the iPod Video
I was really excited when I first got my Video but I miss having the small iPod Nano in my pocket a little. Overall I think I made the right choice though.
As long as you download it here, I can personally guarantee you that it will come virus free. ;-) http://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/iPod/
k i have another question now.. k so i downloaded a lot of tv shows from like peekvid.com and dailymotion.com... i put it on my ipod and they all show up in movies... same with the music videos... how do i put it in the right catagory?
In iTunes, right-click on the video and click "Get Info". Click the tab up top "Video". Use the drop down menu to choose movie, music video, or tv show. Click ok. Holla back if I didn't get all that worded correctly:-D
There seems to be a problem with the TV shows on the new iPod firmware though. For some reason, it refuses to show the 'TV Shows' section in the iPod, so if I were you, I'd keep the TV shows as movies until the new firmware update comes out.