Er, no. It's a lie- that was a fake vid you got the screenshot from which is about 2-3 weeks old. And to check OFFICAL upcoming Episode titles look ONLY over here-
DarkHadou Anime News Network is great, I have an account over there also known as BluRay. PM me your account info if you have one please. And as for those fake Naruto things, dont fall for them, Shwabber
bluray, do u know exactly when the fillers gonna end? The next episode would be a 90min special and I think its not yet the kakashi's gaiden that everyone is looking forward too.
Schwaber, nobody knows the exact time these fillers will end except for the producers. So, you're gonna have to be even more patient than you already have been.
hopefuy the fillers wil end by 207 or 210...I hate mindless fllers and narutos has been the wrest set of mindlessness yet >< bleachs has been pretty good,not great but good.