hey just use youtube..shows all kinds of anime.For your case put in the name of the show and episode:EXAPMLE:Naruto 123-Make sure you put a space between the show and the episode number.That is...if u want to see the episodes.Dunno about anything else=/.
I got no problem with the anime in Youtube. Am looking for manga's though... Cuz I signed up in Narutosub.com to read online manga and after a week I think, I could no longer enter that site since I forgot to log out my account. Whenever I try to access to the site it always says "Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible." Am like what the heck? I do know for the fact that this is free and yet, I still recieve this.. argghhh I really need help!
Hm... not sure if I should be saying this but download the manga's from NarutoFAN or GotWoot - search Google for the sites, I may be taking a risk by posting the link.
How come? They won't allow you to share their site? Anyway, I already found a site where I could download manga. Its just that reading it online is less hassle. You know what I mean
Can't give link since I THINK getting the manga for free is illegal. Just staying safe, a good search on Google should find whatever info u need anyway.
You know what, after that incident that I had in Narutosub, I couldn't somehow access in my account in Naruto Central. *so pissed!!!!* It's free right?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
I just noticed that if you didn't log out from the site within a week, then you couldn't access it anymore Morever, you couldn't create a new account as well! Man, I'm so unlucky. I literally forgot to log out..
Dude, can I ask a favour? Can you at least visit Narutosubs and tell me if that site is still working.I really had no idea if that site just crashed or something. Thanks
I think it's down- just tried. edit-- BTW the URL is http://narutosubs.com they have a message saying that they'll be back in a few days
funny that the url that u gave me says that they'll be be back soon. But if I type http://narutosubs.com in my address it doesn't say like that. Instead, it says "couldn't find server." Weird.... the URL that I just wrote above actually works.. Man, this is really weird