Exactly what is a National Insurance Number ... is that your national health care thing? (We DESPERATELY need such a thing as recent posts from Domeris shows all too well.)
gerry1 National insurance numbers A national insurance number (NINO) is a number unique to you which is used to keep track of your national insurance contributions and the benefits which you are paid. The number is made up of two letters, six numbers and one letter, for example, AB 123456 C. You must not let anyone else use your number. If you are a young person under 16 living in the UK, and your parent gets Child Benefit for you, you will automatically be registered for national insurance, and a national insurance card showing your number will be sent to you just before your 16th birthday. You do not have a legal right to a national insurance number, but you are legally obliged to apply for one if you start work, or if you (or your partner) claim benefit. more here http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/life/benefits/national_insurance_contributions_and_benefits.htm
You need one (Really) to be able to work legally gerry, and get taxed n all that crap. So now i have one, i can start making some Curriculum Vitaes (CV's) and start applying for some jobs. woohoo.