I was just wondering couldn't you use the ds memory exspansion to run even more homebrew like maybe emulators that can't run without ram, just an idea. :]
hmm... i dont think a ram expansion would allow you to run more hombrew? but an expansion on the ram would ease the load but then again i think the ram thats already their is sufficient i dont think anyone has made a ram upgrade
Extra RAM is being utilised by some homebrew (DSLinux comes to mind) however not everyone has a RAM expansion so lots of coders either won't code it in, or can't as they don't have the hardware to test it. @MUNKEYEARS Someone over on DSLinux made a RAM module, but it never got that far due to people working out how to utilise the RAM already found in the M3 and Supercard, and maybe even the EZFlash 3-1 now.
thanks for proving me wrong i like it when people do... lol in the m3 and r4 is it a 32 mb ram or someother because people have been complaining not been able to play the ds browser as the rom image requires 8mb... but they still say its not sufficient?
The M3 Perfect range have 32MB of ram, these are slot-2 (aka GBA slot) devices. The M3 DS Simply and R4DS have no ram. I believe the official ram pak has 8-12MB of ram depending where and when it is purchased (it only needs 8MB though)