This tool uses the wireless capability of your DS and requires a Nintendo DS device kit such as a R4 or a Cyclo DS Evolution to load the program on your DS and most likely requires something on the PC side such as FTP forwarding. But what does it do? It backs up your standard DS cart save, rom and all. I have read to expect an hour for a large game. Does anyone know how to use NDS_Backup_Tool_Wifi well enough to explain it? Does this anyone have the patience to explain it to me? is a tutorial. I am not following the part about installing small FTPd. is the raw Dutch of the previous link is a tutorial in German and at last I may be able to follow this translation from Spanish
I have everything setup. However when i edit the info file and put it on the card, the default info still shows up when I run the tool on the ds. So i change my router ip to match that for the moment and now it wont connect to the server, says to check ini file.
is there something in the router I have to setup to allow the ds to connect to the ftp server? Another ftp i tried was ALFTP per another user at dualscene and i set everything up and on the pc side when i go to run server it says I do not have permission. Account is setup as admin on pc.
Ok managed to actually get the ini file to save the info I was putting in there but still cant connect to ftp server.
@CaroleUK Good link. I got my R4 a week ago. Now to get all of this stuff up and working. I am saving all of the pages into a tutorial folder.
I see that I gave the link to page 3 when the tutorial is on page 1 for the Spanish tutorial. The Spanish tutorial has more pictures and explains the FTP part in detail.
@seanburby I appreciate the link. it looks good. You cannot have to0 many explanations or I cannot anyway. Now for a block of time to relax and do this. I do know if I said this before but I am saving the web pages in case I do not do this for a while or in case I do it and then later forget what I did.
alright, well this is a great tool I have a question about all this which doesn't seem to be anywhere. So I have new super mario bro's on my dstt, and I own the game. With this program I was able to take my .sav file from the dstt and upload it to the original game cartridge. which i thought was cool. but it also seems I can upload a .nds file to it, overwriting the game. which is sorta cool too. this could be useful say if there was a game on my dstt that requires 2 copies of the game to play multiplayer. i could load it onto a game cartridge and there ya go... although slow and not very effecient, just the idea is cool i havn't yet tried to overwrite the game cartridge with a different game yet, im not quite prepared to brick it yet in worst case, and was wondering if anyone else had any experience doing this yet?
well if anyone cares the bad english lead me to belive you could upload to the cartridge but in fact you can not. not games anyways, saves yes. oh well
Congrats, Applause and thanks to all.. TO Guzmanus in particular, the creator of the first tutorial for mortals. I used and it was not only easier than savsender but faster and more reliable. I was even able to follow the instructions by myself.