This question is a need 2 know okay here's my question. What's the best torrenit client that downloads at a good speed. Cuz I wanna download some stuff from but every torrenit client I've triend takes forever and a day 2 download an ISO so I wanna know which one is the best to use and fastest. PS: Side Notes I'm useing Windows XP Home Edition I have high speed internet by my Cable company so hopefully that'll help u guys help me
I use for my Xbox games. But it really depeneds on if you have your torrent Client setup right. Example... A port that isnt blacklisted If you have a router you need to forword the ports. Make sure that any firewall is set up to let the ports go threw. Plus it will depend on how well seeded the torrent is. Alot of varibles come into effect when it comes to how fast you can download a torrent.