Need a Great dvd player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by jlg895, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. jlg895

    jlg895 Regular member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    4 days after my 4 year warrenty with best buy ran up. My dvd player took a dive. It doesnt spin the discs anymore. As an early birthday present, my fiance offered to get me one for up to $300. Im not concerned with divx or region codes. I just want a performance player. One with an outstanding picture and sound clarity. Wouldnt hurt if it played dvd audio. If anyone has a player similiar to this and would like to suggest it, Id be able to make my decision sooner
  2. jlg895

    jlg895 Regular member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    the only things that matter to me are picture and audio quality, Ability to play backups is a must as well. Ive seen that some suggest lgs player but no talk about quality just capability of playing formats. Im looking for a reference dvd player to hold me off until hd-dvd
  3. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    best buy........ LG LDA-511.. 150 bucks.
    i have it, simply awesome !
    HD upconversion, plays 95% of all formats, including .avi, better then the phillips dvp642...
    loads of options, and firmware is upgradeable !
  4. Jallan

    Jallan Regular member

    Dec 24, 2005
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  5. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    so whats that supposed to me Jallan?
    and what player do you own?
    care to provide some input rather then a pointless comment ?
  6. Jallan

    Jallan Regular member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Dude, you don't even get it. They said that people talk about compatibility and not actual picture quality. You posted about it's compatibility (and others features), but nothing about picture quality (quality of HD conversion and picture quality is -player specific-. Just because a player does upconverion and progressive scan does not say anything about the actual picture quality of that specific player.). No offense meant. But, losen up, bro.
  7. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    when you hang out in the dvd player forums as much as i do and respond to the same thing over and over.....

    whats the best player?
    who has divx?
    why does it freeze?
    i need a region hack....
    why do i get errors?

    stupid sh!t like that..... and then they never respond in the first place, it all gets old real quick.
    i post here cuz i have tested quite a few players and i read on them often...
    sure its easy to do a google search yourself and find out on your own, hell, i even have a stickey on the top of this forum with good info in there, and a few links to provide better assistance.
    i took the time to write it and ask for it to be made a stickey, so the same questions would not be asked over and over again... but they still do, and they still dont read. i am not implying that the original poster did not do this, but the majority do.
    rather then type what my player does, i'll just google it and post it here for the origianl poster to see what it does....

  8. Jallan

    Jallan Regular member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Trust me, for the short time I've been here, I feel you. I see the same patterns in all the forums (and in real life, also ofcourse). It would be wonderful if people did their own research for once instead of asking the same questions over and over and over ad nauseaum.... Maybe more/updated stickies on relavent/current items in this and other forums? (ie. stickies about new tough copy-protected DVD titles.)
  9. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    they happen, i have been here long enough to know.. you need to be-friend a mod to help you out...
    i not only hang out here, i know you have seen me elsewhere too, i also play in the home theater forums, media, dvd for n00bs and advanced, nero, shrink, dvd ripping.... hell, i am everywhere.

  10. jlg895

    jlg895 Regular member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    After searching many forums i decided to check out lgs's player from best buy. While at it, I came across sonys upconversion and read the customer reviews that circuit city customers had left and as far as quality goes, it impressed the balkers. I appreciate the feedback and can agree with both of you. However, I try to contribute when i can and where i can. But I dont believe we should come down on others that are just looking for an easy answer. Sometimes, I will be looking for hours on end just for a simple answer I know is out there. So if I can help that one person who needs to ask the simple question, then I have helped him along his path. When I get the player I will try to leave some info on how well it performs. Thanks to all and I'll see you in the forums!
  11. RealGomer

    RealGomer Regular member

    May 6, 2003
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    jlg895 - I for one will be waiting with baited breath to here your two cents. I'm looking to replace my Panny CV51 with something that will whatever disc I throw at it and still be able to do good picture quality and HD. If and when HD becomes a true reality, not an extra cost gimmick.

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