i need a os like windows in everyway but is not windows if u no what i mean ive tryed linux 10 but no luck i want to use ntfs HDD because it has all my backed up programs,dvd and music. is there eny like this plz help me i am sick of windows
Most Linux distros will read and use an NTFS partition, though it should be installed to it's own native file system. Not sure that your programs will still function, because they are Windows based apps. You'll need to use open source apps that will recognize the files created from Windows apps.
If the linux that you used does not support HTFS, you can recompile the kernel and inlcude NTFS support. It may seem a bit overwhelming the first time you do it, but its not all that bad. THe other benefit is that you compile the kernel specifically for your hardware so things will run faster..you can also "trim the fat" by excludig modules/features that you will never use. As far as Windows apps. Wine will run some stuff. If you need something like Office, OpenOffice reads almost all Office formats. You will be able to share between the two seamlessly. ~Rich
ok sound good thanx for the help just one last thing i have also been thinking about lindows dose eny body now eny thing about that and if its eny good oh and is it now called linspire here is a link to tell u about Lindows http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7448994284.html
NO don't get anykind of paid Linux....It is a waste of money and not that good at all......Go with Suse or Ubuntu........ That's an oxymoron........ If you are sick of windows why do you want a linux distro like windows? There is no Linux distro that will be able to "play" all of your programs.....There are Windows Emulators like WINE but even that sucks and can't play 95% of Windows Programs......... But DVD and Music is the same with Windows and Linux, all you have to do is mount your NFTS partition and you can acess all of your music and DVD Backups
Linspire is not TOO bad, but the CNR (Click'N'Run) is complete BS. Like stated earlier, Ubuntu is not a bad distro to start. I have had some hardware issues with Suse 9.1, so I gave up on it. Just keep downlaoding and trying distros till you find the one you like. Good luck. ~Rich
But why pay $50 for Linspire?....It is a waist of money ....It is like the same as every other distro...Just a little more organized..but who cares...If you really want to use linux you are gonna have to be dedicated to it..Lot of stuff you will have to learn....I would recommend Susu 10 or Ubuntu...And Linspire's support team rarely ever makes updates