I'm looking for slideshow software that will work like Windows Movie Maker but with an extra twist. I want a timeline for placing background music (different cuts at various points) and [bold]a separate[/bold] timeline for attaching voiceover narration to particular slides. All the other features of WMM are fine: different transitions, duration, for each slide, etc.
i av just discovered proshow gold v2.5 software which seems to be quite good at slideshows try it i an enjoying messing about with it.
Ballz, qustion is there someplace where you can download (proshow Gold) software and try before you buy iam in need of the same type of program, i have Arcsoft showbiz and seem to be having problems with it running with a couple other programs.....
yes there ia a trial version oat this link http://www.photodex.com/products/proshow but if you struggle send me a private msg and we will see wot i can do. does any one know a good programme for photo effects?
Ballz, Iam at work right now but i have several programs and when i get home i'll check, Photo edits/ what do you want it to do iam not up on all this stuff....
cheers dworz not realy to smart at this stuff my self but i got some photos done professianaly and they put like a colour border around it tht fades into the pics so i am looking to do that kind of thing.
Ballz, Bear with me i wount be home till Saturday Am,and i'll chat with the wife and see what she's got, may have to burn a program and send it through snail mail? But i kinda got the scope of what your looking for.have you ever messed around with paint shop pro 7 or 8? and i know she's got adobe photo shop also.