first of all "Yes Chunkhead" I have read through your tutorials and they are much appreciated Ok so Ive spent so much time reading through everything on modding the XBox and whats involved the problem with all these tutorials is that they are not in order - Heres what I'm after - I simply want to hardmod the Xbox, Install a Bigger Harddrive and Load the emulators this is what i got so far Chip the Xbox Load EvoX Make An FTP out of the Xbox flash the eeprom ect.. and load the bigger HD FTP with FlashFTP the emulators & Roms onto the XBOX so do i have this in the right order? And my biggest question is - in all the FTP guides they have all the pictures of the Xbox being connected through series of routers, nics and internet connection I simply want to know If I can use the connection TV---XBOX----Crossover Cable----PC NIC will this configuration work? Do I really need an internet connection or a second NIC? I don't belive so but none of the Tutorials exclude them thanx
a few things.. 1. if you have a modchip, you don't have to worry about the eeprom, the chip bypasses it, but back it up anyway if ya want.(just to be safe) 2.Yes a crossover cable set up the way u suggest will work. 3.when you want to load the new HDD, use aid or slayers to do it, they also come with emulators and that saves you time. but basically what you said WILL work, its just abit labour intensive.
Hmm... You seem to be wanting to do everything the hardest possible way. 1) Why do you want to hardmod? Softmod is easy and reversible. 2) Installing a large HDD is easy if you've already softmodded. 3) If everything is operational, you can simply use AID to install the Emulators. I have a guide for each process... As for your network question, my Network guide is written around your connection setup!