hey yall. its time for me to get with the year 2004 and upgrade my Pentium 3, 128 MB of memory, 20 gig computer, (pitiful huh? lol) to a 512 MB or memory, 160 gig computer. but heres my problem. I can either get an AMD Athlon 3000 or a 2.6 ghZ Pentium 4. the good thing about my Pentium 3 is that it never overheats, i once left it on for 1 week straight downloading Naruto episodes and it was still working perfect. i plan to do photograph editing( photoshop)and watching movies and of course, backing up my dvds. the pentium is about $60 more, which computer would you choose.
it is the same as do you like white bread or brown bread. some people prefer amd & others intel. if you had no problem with intel stay with intel just like if you had an amd instead of intel than you'll probably stay with amd. your the one who is going to spend the money so it's up to you & what you are going to do with that computer not us
im thinking of going with athlon just to try something different, its reputation is good from i researched, its just that, i dont do much gaming on my pc and athlon is meant for gaming, im just asking what YOU, would choose
AMD Athelon 64bit is going to over run Intel p4 in the near future...real near, so I would go with AMD But like -ddp- said "if you had no problem with intel stay with intel" Just read up more on it and make your choice.
I got inside info with intel since my mumm is an engineer there at intel so it will a tug of war right now with amd athelon and for amd athelon will win...for now
ill go for the xp 3200 fsb 400,512kb cache 2.2ghz it really fast. also the xp 2800+ (which a have) runs faster than de p4 2.8 cpu. Dr.xp abit nf7 athlon xp 2800+ oc to 3200+ gigabyte 3d cooler pro max speed (4400rpms) with artic silver 5
hello hd517 athlon 3000+ (make sure has a 400mhz fsb) run faster than p4 2.8 by a thousand miles!!! and its better for gamming too!!. i love amd they relly work good!