Does anyone know what copy protection this game ghas and how i should copy it. I just got this game and it comes up as No Copy protection in Clony.
I believe the game is made by Electronic Arts? Most newer EA games are Safedisc cd protected m8. Search Google for a handy tool called Safedisc Analyser. Simply locate the main game exe and Safedisc Analyser will provide you with the current Safedisc version. My guess, Safedisc 2.9 or 3.1 cd protected. Safedisc Analyser Shoey _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H DVDRW: LiteOn LDW-411S(4[/small]
yeah it is 2.9 I tried backing it up w/ alcohol 120% But it doesn't work. even with emulation. Any Advice?
Do you own a "2 sheep" burner? If so then you play the backup in your dvd\cd-rom, not your cdrw. If you don't own a 2 sheep burner then go to options>data type settings>record options and enable "bypass efm". Burn RAW DAO at 8x and enable "ignore media type"(emulation) and the backup should play in your cdrw m8. Shoey Note: Many games are blacklisted _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H DVDRW: LiteOn LDW-411S(4[/small]
There is a sticky thread(highlighted in blue) as soon as you enter CD-R forums m8. Sorry for the bad link. Shoey
I have a "LG GCE-8160B" so it should burn it. ill try again [bold]UPDATE:[/bold] the only, and i mean ONLY way i can get it working is if i take the copy out of my CD drive(D) and run it off my virtual drive.
What read\write settings did you use via Alcohol 120%? I despise Alcohol 120%& BlindWrite 5 simply because "autoplay" is embedded in the programs. If it were me, I would switch to CloneCD& Daemon Tools. Burn with Alcohol 120% again but this time disable Bypass efm and burn RAW DAO at 8x. Reboot your pc and the backup should play flawlessly in your dvd\cd-rom. CloneCD: Shoey
what settings do you recomend in CloneCD. I am installing it now. Edit: in Alcoholer it says under the CloneCD tab for safedisk 2.9 "Can't Be copied: unistall cloneCD as it is blacklisted" I don't like the sounds of that
The "Can't be copied: uninstall CloneCD as it is blaslisted" is in referance to certain 2 sheep burners that are a "hit&miss backing up Safedisc 2.8-3.1. A great example is my Memorex 52MAXX cd burner. CloneCD "in and of itself can't make a working backup, however if I create cuesheet using CloneCD then burn the image with FireBurner= 100% working backup.. CloneCD settings for Safedisc 2.9: ============================================= Fast error skip: On Read speed data: Max Read speed audio: Max Audio extraction quality: Best ============================================== Write speed: RAW DAO at 8x Always close last session Amplify weak sectors: Ignore ============================================== Reboot your pc and play the backup in your dvd\cd-rom. Shoey _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H DVDRW: LiteOn LDW-411S(4[/small]
I have FireBurner so what settings are the best for that. and how do i select RAW DAO write mode. in cloneCD/Fireburner
Did you create cue sheet using CloneCD to read cd protected image(s)? =============================================== FireBurner settings: Open FireBurner>options>configuration. Device Options tab folder>choose disc at once 96/close cd. Over to the right enable auto-correct subchannel\autocorrect EDC\ECC and set burn speed to 8x. Now click file>import tracks from cuesheet and burn. Reboot your pc and play the backup in your dvd\cd-rom, not your burner! Shoey
I wanted to ask that all this process is required with the 1st and 2nd CD, the 2nd CD or the 1st CD. Because this is teh first time I am trying to make a sucessful back-up, whereas in my last few attempts I failed. Any help would be appreciated ~~FreakCage~~
when i doubt use clony but for me (Australian version) CD2 was the Play disk and the one with the copy protection. and this wouldn't be the best game to start with since I gave up and now i play it off a virtual drive. It is one of the harder games to copy.
Which games are recommended to backup first? I am soon going to try Prince Of Persia and Medal Of Honour Allied Assult, but although I am not sure which one is going to work. I have a LITEON LTR-32123S - burner, I'm quite sure that its a 2 sheep burner (I still don't know the difference between the 2 sheep and the 1 sheep burner)I have all the appropriate programs such as Blind-Write, Fire Burner, Alcohol, Clone CD, Deamon Tool, ClonyXXL & CD Mage, I wante to know that what would be the appropriate software to use to back up CDs, and please can somebody tell me the meaning of "emulations"? That has been confusing me for a while. I also wanted to know that if there is any additional porgame that I would need to create backups. There is another porblem, when I try to install Blind Write it asks about installing Pcoffin.sys because it did not pass the microsoft test or something like that? Please, Again any help would and will be greatly appreciated ~~FreakCage~~
Check your ASPI. Info on Emulation: . Pattin-couffin: screw Microsoft's Certification crap. Use the Pattin-couffin anyways ?????!!!!
Hi there So can anyone tell me ... what is the best method to make a copy of Need for Speed underground? which program and what settings will work to make a copy that runs? thnx cooler
I don't mean to sound harsh m8 but we have "sticky" threads posted as soon as you enter CD-R forum on what programs to use to backup Safedisc cd protection and a list of "2 sheep burners". Nuff' said... Shoey
Not quite 'nuff...., coolersas, if you go up and read the previous posts, that question was just answered.... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7V8X-X, AMD2500+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 360GB [3x120GB, 7200, 8MB] MSI Starforce, GeForce4 Ti4400 128MB Rules and Policies: AFTERDAWN IRC:, #ad_buddies COME SAY HI![/small]
hey recently got hold of a copy of need 4 speed under ground to lend an really wanna make a copy but no luck using clone cd nero or disc juggler can any one explain in novice terms the easiest way to make a copy and wot software is needed thanks alot Adz