Ok i have read all the tutorials and tried all of them and none of them worked! i have a netgear hub and my computer is plugged into slot 1 and my xbox into slot 2, ive changed all the ips and everything like the tutorials and flash fxp cant connet to my xbox i need help pls!!!
post your network settings that you have on all three. 1. xbox 2. PC 3. FlashFXP also if you are using a static connection or DHCP and if you are wireless or through a Cat5 Crossover cable
thanks for the help but i figured it out i just plugged my xbox into a router and used my wireless internet to get it, t hanks though
Someone told me that you cant plug the xbox into a router to do a ftp. Does that really work with a router and a regular ethernet cable?
Yes, it works fine with a router and a Cat5 crossover cable. That is how mine use to e before i bought the wireless gaming adapter and not it does everything wireless.
Linksys for both is what i'm using. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1030266&CatId=2667 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1533893&CatId=1594 to be exact